Chapter 10: Meanwhile At Camp Half-Blood

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Sam sat in Chiron's office of the big house she and Jason had made it to camp half blood with no problems except for when they had tried to land the giant bronze dragon. Jason had ended up flying off the dragon's back straight into the largest pine tree Sam had ever seen some of the other campers had taken him to the infirmary.

Sam however uninjured was taken to the big house to see Chiron who had given her some answers towards her parents secrets that she didn't quite believe. She had sat in shock as Chiron had told her the truth her parents were demigods which made her a legacy.

"But if my parents were such good friends with these people" she said pointing at a picture of the seven with Rayna and Nico "why would they leave camp half blood". Chiron sighed like he'd been expecting this question to come up in the conversation "I can't answer that Sam" he replied.

"That's the whole reason we came here for answers about why are parents lied to us" Sam pleaded to Chiron "I'm sorry Sam but I swore an oath that I wouldn't speak of it till it was time". "How do know that this isn't the time your supposed to talk about it" Sam asked "believe me you don't want to see what it takes to know about that" Chiron explained.

Sam felt a chill go down her spine when Chiron said that she wasn't sure why it was a hot summer day but had almost been like something or someone breathing cold air on the back of her neck. Sam sighed she clearly wasn't going to get answers from Chiron "is Jason going to be okay" she asked.

"He'll be fine and I'll explain things to him as well as for you we usually let legacy campers pick which of their cabins to stay in but cabin three specifically requested you" Chiron answered. "They did" Sam repeated from what Chiron had told her that was the cabin her father had stayed in she'd always been closer with her dad then her mom.

"Yes they did this is cabin three's head counsellor Sasha" Chiron answered pointing to a girl with short blonde hair with the tips dyed light blue and ocean blue eyes. She looked about eighteen and had a bead necklace with eight beads on it "Um Chiron Lilly needs your help something about a kid arriving on a Pegasus and two others who shadow travelled here on a hell hound" Sasha told him.

Chiron went to deal with the situation while Sasha showed her the rest of the camp "so your really Percy and Annabeth's kid" Sasha asked "yeah they never told me about any of this though". "My mom never told me about any of this either made own way here nine years ago" Sasha explained "who's cabin is that one" Sam asked pointing at cabin six.

"Oh that's the Athena cabin that's the cabin your mom stayed in when she was here" Sasha answered "seems like it would be perfect for Luke" Sam said. "Who's that" Sasha asked Sam realized she hadn't thought about her siblings at all since she had left home how were Luke and Zoë going feel when they learned the truth about what their had been lying about.

Luke would probably not believe any of this and look for some logical explanation for all of this which is what Luke always did he needed to loosen up a bit. Zoë would love all of this it was like something out of her story books and she had a childlike sense of wonder.

"Luke is my brother and I also have a little sister Zoë" she answered "oh nice come on you can meet the rest of cabin three" Sasha said leading her to cabin three. Cabin three was covered in seashells and looked like it belonged right on the beach this had definitely the cabin her dad had been in when he was here.

"Sam meet Arron and Polly" Sasha said Arron looked about a year older than Sam probably thirteen he had jet black hair and intense dark blue eyes. Polly looked around four years old she had long sandy blonde hair with seaweed green eyes.

The whole inside of the cabin was painted ocean blue and smelled like sea spray and salty ocean air it felt exactly like she was under the sea. "Hey I'm Sam" she said she wasn't sure really sure how to introduce herself Sam didn't really know how to make friends her ADHD, dyslexia and constantly getting expelled from schools tended to drive people away.

"Are you really Percy Jackson daughter" Polly asked "why does everyone keep asking me that" she muttered under her breath, "yeah I am" she said aloud. Arron studied her with his large dark blue eyes like he was making up his mind about her and probably whether or not kill Sam in her sleep.

"Um Sasha could we check out the infirmary" she asked "why" Sasha said confused "I wanna check on Jason" she replied "alright" Sasha answered leading her out the cabin towards the infirmary. "Hey you have your dad's sword" Sasha pointed out "what" Sam asked "the pen that's riptide your dad's famous sword" Sasha answered.

Sam uncapped the ballpoint pen then it became a long celestial bronze sword Sam quickly recapped the pen Sasha lead her into the infirmary. Sam walked alone into Jason's room he was sitting on a cot his curly black hair kept falling into his face "hey Jason, are you alright" she asked.

He saw Sam standing there and a small smile crossed his face "yup good as new I'll have to fix the dragon though" Jason answered "did Chiron talk to you yet"? "Yeah he did before I could ask him why our parents left camp he ran off something about a kid arriving on a Pegasus and two others who shadow travelled here on a hell hound" Jason said.

"I asked apparently he took some sort of oath he's not going to be able to give us anymore answers" she answered "and by the look on your face I can tell you have some sort of a plan". "I do I'm going to take a page out of my dad's book" Sam replied "and what exactly are we going to do" Jason asked "were gonna go on a quest"

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