Chapter 16: We Freeze Our Ass's Off

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"Sam I'm pretty sure this is as north as we can you go" Avila said Sam knew that this was as far as they would get by bus, for the past week they had been taking bus after bus. After they gotten past the Canadian border they still had to keep going north they'd spent the last of their money on bus tickets and food for the remainder of the trip.

They had also grabbed some winter jackets out of the lost and found boxes at various bus station middle of July and it was still freezing up here Sam thought to herself. The whole week Sam had been trying to figure out what to do next this was probably why her mom tried to plan thing in advance.

Sam knew they had to keep going north and they also had to climb the mountain from the prophecy and retrieve Hera's crown from glaciers in caverns deep wherever that was. Sam had told them that once they were off the bus they were going to have to go mountain climbing so the rest of them could get some sleep.

Sam had been on edge since the incident with the Fury's last week and she was sure that the explosion on the bus had been caused by lightning. For the past week they'd only had a few small monster attacks nothing huge like the incident last week which made the news think they were either a gang or a terrorist organization.

Everyone else was asleep Sam was keeping watch in case they had to make a run for it or fight their way out again "you know you should probably get some sleep too" it was Jason. "Don't scare me like that" she said lightly hitting his arm "sorry I thought you knew I was here" he answered as he sat down next to her.

"You've been on edge all week your going to pass out from exhaustion if you keep this up" Jason told her "I know just the bus when it exploded I swear it wasn't the Fury's it was lighting" she answered. "So Hera and Zeus are trying to kill you because they think you stole her crown, wow I never thought those words would come out of my mouth" Jason said.

Sam let out a small quiet laugh "yeah when I set out on my quest for answers I never thought I'd end up here" "what are you gonna do after this" Jason asked. "What do you mean" "I mean once we get our answers what are we going to do will things just go back to the way they were" Jason said.

"I don't want things to go back to the way they were" Sam said quietly she didn't even think the words were just out of her mouth before she knew it, she'd dug her grave might as well make a crater. "I've never had friends before and this is the most fun I've had in forever I don't want to go home and try and forget this ever happened" Sam answered.

"Yeah I know exactly what you mean, never thought running for my life would be this fun and like having friends too even though one of them is a crazy girl who convinced me I could fly a bronze dragon" Jason laughed. "Hey you could fly that dragon, you just couldn't land it" she reminded him "that's problem you you had with it not the fact that I called you crazy" he said with a small smile on his face.

"Believe me I've been called worse and I'd rather be crazy having adventures then be normal sitting at home doing nothing that's just boring" she answered. "Well I'd rather have a crazy friend who gets me into stuff like this then go back to my life of no friends at all" Jason told her "I'm kind of glad I got expelled" she said.

He gave her strange look "why" he asked "because if I didn't go home early that day I might have never found that box and I never would have gotten on that bus to Indianapolis and met you". "Seems like a million years ago now when you showed up at the garage and we got on that bronze dragon to fly all the way to Long Island" Jason said "yeah it does" she agreed.

Then the bus lurched to a complete stop Sam and Jason woke the others up and got off the bus they had been dropped off at the base of the mountain. It was four in the morning the sun would be up soon and they had a long hike ahead of them they started to walk the trail up the mountain.

Even when the sun came up it was still cold and getting even colder as they climbed higher "so when exactly will we know where to look for this crown" Emily asked. The exact line was You shall go north to find what you seek in the snowy mountain covered peaks. You shall retrieve it from the glaciers in caverns deep" Sam reminded them.

"So where is this cavern" Avila asked "I assume it's at the top of the mountain" Sam answered "assume, we're hiking up this mountain on an assumption" Michael asked. "Hey Sam knows what she's doing and chances are we'll know it when we see it the cave has a magical crown in it and we'll figure it out as we go that's what we've been doing this whole time and it's worked out so far" Jason defended.

Sam was felt a surge of embarrassment and happiness that Jason was defending her not that she needed him to but it was nice having a friend she wasn't sure about the rest of them yet though. Her thoughts were interrupted by two huge figures blocking their path "are you Samantha Jackson" they asked they looked like huge snow giants "who wants to know" she asked.

"Boss wants to talk to you" they said then Sam before she could respond she felt a blunt object hit the back of her head then it all flooded into the darkness.

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