Chapter 21: The Long Way Home

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Jason was pretty sure he liked flying on bronze dragons better than a Pegasus there was less of a chance of him falling off but he wasn't really focused on the whole one wrong move and you'll drop to your death thing. He was more focused on Sam she looked exhausted from her fight with Aphrodite the water had only healed her physical injuries not her exhaustion from the fight.

The two of them had been flying for the past three hours and the New York skyline was starting to come into view Jason put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure you're alright Sam" he asked he'd been ready to catch her in case she pass out so she wouldn't fall off of Blackjack.

Sam looked so tired she had bags under stormy grey eyes and her knuckles were white from griping Hera's crown so tightly he thought if it wasn't magic it would have snapped in half. The crown was sliver it almost looked looked platinum it was very detailed like a more regal Version of Khione tiara.

"Yeah just tired" she replied Jason bit back his worry he knew Sam was about to face the Greek Gods she didn't need him stressing her out more. Blackjack landed in front of the Empire State Building, the entrance to Olympus as Jason helped Sam off Blackjacks back her knees buckled and fell down to her knees.

Jason griped her shoulders and helped her back onto her feet "Sam" he started but she cut him off "no Jason I have to do this otherwise Aphrodite and Khione win, if I'm week they win". "Sam you are the furthest thing from week I saw you fight a goddess quite literally with your eyes closed and win I've only known you for nearly four weeks but you are the strongest person I know.

I've seen you take down monsters and not even blink I never would have even left the garage that day in Indianapolis if you hadn't shown up and gotten me to fly us out to Long Island on a bronze dragon. Sam you took on a quest with only a week's worth of sword training you are without a doubt strong and anyone who says otherwise is a fool so just let me help you" Jason said.

Sam looked at him stunned by what he said and she did something strange she hugged him "I don't want to go there alone" she whispered in his ear so quiet he was barely heard her say it. "Then I'll come with you, your my friend Sam and friends are there for each other so when I'm there for you it's doesn't mean I think your week it's because you Samantha Jackson are my friend and I am yours".

Sam nodded and clung to him right there in the middle of the sidewalk in front of the Empire State Building like nothing else in the world mattered and Jason did care who saw them. Finally they stood up Jason pulled her to her feet and they walked into the Empire State Building together right up to reception desk which was being by a man who was reading a book.

"600 floor please" Jason asked "no such thing kid" he said without putting his book down like he had repeated those lines million times he and Sam just stood there till the guy finally decided they weren't going away. "Look no one sees Zeus without an appointment" he told them "I think he'll make an exception" Sam said holding up Hera's crown so he could see the guy's face paled when he saw it.

He handed them a red keycard "just make sure no one else is in the elevator when you use it" he told them they nodded and stepped into the elevator 80's pop music was blaring. Jason and Sam stepped out of the elevator Olympus was beautiful it like it was completely made out of gold and marble they walked up to the throne room.

The Olympian thrones we're massive but only three of them were filled on the left was clearly Poseidon he the same jet black hair as Sam and was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and short's. Zeus filled the one in the centre he wore a pinstripe suit and had a grey hair, the last one was filled by a woman who had to be Hera she was staring down at Sam with disgust.

"So the thief returns" Hera said "let her speak" Poseidon retorted Sam explained everything they had gone though in the past three and a half weeks including the situation with Khione about her spy and her master. Sam handed the crown to Hera and returned to it's full size "I will speak to the others about Khione and her master" Zeus said Sam and Jason shielded their eyes so they wouldn't be vaporized when he showed his true form and vanished.

"You may not be a thief Samantha Jackson but you are more like your parents then you realize that will be down fall, and you the one named after my champion I will be watching you" Hera said before she vanished. Sam and Jason weren't sure what to do next Poseidon stepped off his throne and shrunk down to a normal size "I see you kept my gift" he told Sam point to her right wrist.

Sam was wearing a bracelet that had a string pearls and in the middle was a sand-dollar "I thought you seemed familiar that day you've been checking up on me and Luke and Zoë more than once" Sam said. "Yes I have and you are exhausted fighting a god will do that to you I'll let you go now" he told her, he and Sam walked down the stairs she almost collapsed.

Jason had to steer towards the elevator so she wouldn't pass out until they were finally back on the sidewalk in front of the Empire State Building "you ready to go back now" he asked her "yeah I'm ready".

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