Chapter : 6

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Author's pov :

" So tell me about yourself " Mark asked the girl who shifted uncomfortably feeling the hard gazes of the said boys friends.
Y/n was here for like 2 minutes but she already felt like digging a hole and hide.

Upon seeing the commotion in the hallway and y/n sitting at the renowned sunbae's lunch table, many students had their attention on them but luckily mark decided to hush the other students which made them go back to their own business.

But still a few rumor-lover l students secretly tried to keep their attention to them.
Y/n could see yuki keeping her eyes on her in case something happens. Y/n looked back at mark and replied
"well as you know  I'm y/n Wong and I am your junior. There's nothing special about me." she laughed nervously.

No shit Sherlock she is nervous. Cause not only she managed to get two of the infamous troublemakers suspended but also grabbed the attention of their enemy.
That too in 3 days.
Mark chuckled " you don't have to be nervous.oops my friends did not introduce themselves yet,  come on guys"

Y/n  looked at his other friends for the first time properly. There sat four boys who y/n  assumed was his friends meaning they were also her seniors.
" Hello, I am jaemin." a white haired boy greeted flashing a beautiful smile.

"I am Renjun" another black haired boy greeted as y/n thought he was quite cute.
" Hi I'm jeno" another black haired boy said revealing his cute eye smile. Y/n was internally in awe seeing that cute eye smile.

" I'm Donghyuck! But you can call me haechan sunbae . Nice to meet you" a maroon haired boy greeted enthusiastically.

" Hello " y/n waved at them. They don't seem bad.
" You said there's nothing special about you but trust me there is." Mark said looking at her. " Yeah you are brave enough to expose yangyang like that " Donghyuck, preferably called haechan said .

Now what's y/n supposed to do with that information?? She already knows that she is in deep shit. They didn't have to make it worst by saying this.

"Oh...but may I ask why you brought me here?" She carefully asked, trying  not to sound rude.

" Oh it's because you know this guy right here has a bad relation with yangyang so of course he is kinda happy" jaemin explained and putting a fry in his mouth.

" And since you are the cause of his misery, he is pleased with you" Renjun finished the explanation and shrugged.

" Yah! That's not the whole thing. You guys are making this sound like I'm a bad guy."
Mark defended himself. A hue of pink splattered on his cheeks like a soft stroke.

But y/n couldn't understand what to feel at this moment. So she slumped her shoulders and tried to at least listen to their conversation. They seemed quite funny.
"Ooh yeahh! That's not the only thing. My dude mark should I tell her?" Haechan wiggled his eyebrows.
Y/n could only stare at them now.

" Don't you dare!" Mark exclaimed and shoved a fry in Haechan's mouth. The others laughed at this. Y/n also smiled.


Let's say the day went well. Mark and his friends weren't that bad. They were fun to be around. But y/n couldn't spend time with Yuki, so when they asked y/n  to eat together again she refused. But then they said she can bring her friend along.

Y/n thought they meant trouble but after spending some time she got to know that they were like other goofy college students.

But then again she shouldn't trust someone that quickly. Still she agreed to have lunch together the next day. This time Yuki will also join them.


The previous year, June 3

A black messy haired boy walked in the school. Mind hazy, heart heavy he took a glance at his wrist watch. 15 minutes were left until lunch.
He figured there was no use going to class as he is already late.

So he texted his friends to not worry about him and told him to wait for him  in the cafeteria.

Meanwhile he went towards the way to the music room which should be empty now.

Suddenly he heard a faint melody coming from the way he was heading. It was distant but he felt something hearing the beautiful melody. He walked following the melody and it became vivid to him. He wondered who is playing the piano now. However the notes were beautiful and calming.

He stood in front of the music room as the sound was coming from that room.  Something was telling him to swing the door open and see who is the person to create such melody.

But the door wouldn't budge when he tried to open it. He decided not to disturb the person and just listen to the beautiful notes.

He slid down the door and leaned on to the door. He closed his eyes and listened to the beautiful melody.

A smile made it's way on his lips.  He smiled like this after a few weeks. Suddenly he felt something in his heart. He felt it racing.
Placing a hand on his chest he thought what was wrong.

'maybe it's all because of what's been happening lately..' he thought

But he enjoyed the melody. After many days he felt this good. He had lots of worry but he felt at least a little calm after hearing the beautiful melody.
He wondered who was the person behind the door.
But for now he decided to just enjoy.

Suddenly his phone rang. He didn't want to pick up the call but seeing the caller ID he stood up and went  to a side, away from the music room.

" Minhyung-ah the doctors have permitted us to shift her. We need to hurry. I'll talk to your principal. Now come home ,we can't be late" a woman in her fourties talked weakly. It was evident that she was crying.

Minhyung suddenly felt the pressure again on his shoulders. He ended the call saying he'll be there soon.


Hope you enjoyed and if you did click the vote button and let me also know how you feel about the story so far ( ◜‿◝ )♡. 💜💜💜

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