Chapter : 8

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Author's pov:
"Bet I can defeat you even with my eyes closed!" Yuki said as she tightened her fist  around the game consoler.
"yeah sure, we'll see about that!" Haechan scoffed while pushing his red bangs away from his eyes as he concentrated on the screen in front of him.

Y/n looked at them with a laugh, resonating around the arcade booth where they decided to hang out for the day.

"Seriously they are being annoying now! I can't concentrate enough" Renjun complained as he put more coins in the gaming machine.

" Just let them be it's entertaining" Jaemin  said while he was also having a match with jeno.
Currently the group of friends were in an arcade playing their hearts out. And despite being friends for a short time they become close enough to goof around freely.

" I won!" Y/n looked at mark.
"Again" she smiled a smile of victory. Mark just sighed and looked at her.
"Yah!Mark! what happened to you today?" Jeno said, looking wide-eyed at y/n and Mark.

" I don't know dude! She is  too good in overwatch! I'm surprised" mark looks extremely surprised because in overwatch nobody could defeat mark.
He was the all-time winner but seeing y/n, rather than being offended he is astonished.
Deep down he was glad that it was y/n who could defeat him.
He admired how determined y/n looked with her fist around the game consoler and how her tongue was slightly out as she concentrated. And how flawlessly she won every single match with him. To him it was admirable.

Even the others were surprised except Yuki cause she knew this from before.

" I've been playing this game since childhood. I used to go to the arcade with my dad and used to have matches. He  is the one who taught me to play overwatch. well he is an expert" y/n explained,eyes softening at the mention of her dad.
she.... missed him dearly.

"Oh! Really? That's great! I'd like to meet him then. He sounds fun" Jeno said, flashing his cute eye smile.
Y/n flinched at the proposal.
"Uh..he is not here.He is still in china" y/n pursed her lips and glued her eyes on the screen in front of her.
" Oh..I almost like you're Chinese too. What does your dad do by the way?" Renjun asked briefly looking at the panicked girl.

But everyone seemed to not notice her nervousness.
"Umm..he is a bodyguard." She replied blinking her eyes twice before looking at them to see their reactions.
" Woww then he must be strong and well built!" Mark said while looking at her. She averted her eyes to the gaming screen and nodded.


"What would you like to order,miss?" The waiter asked y/n .
Currently they were at a winter festival of their city. It was filled with beautiful lightings. At the centre of the festival there was a big tree , decorated with lights and accessories emiting beautiful lights which created an aesthetic aura around the place

The group of friends were at an open fast food stall which had several tables and chairs scattered around the stall for the customers.

"I'd like to order a chicken burger and a cola and some fries" y/n ordered with a smile.
She was seated between Yuki and Jeno.
Mark was in front of Jeno and Haechan was in front of Yuki while renjun was in front of y/n. Jaemin sat beside Mark.

Everybody ordered their wanted foods. The food came after a few minutes and they ate while chatting.

"Whatever you say , you still owe me 1000 won" Yuki pointed at Haechan, munching on her fries.
"Oh do I?" Haechan scoffed.
"Well duh of c-.." " Well I'm sure you cheated" he cut her off which made her roll her eyes.
"Accept that I'm better than you!!! And everyone knows it" she remarked.

" Now you are not using any honourifics! Look at you, so disrespectful! " He said with a smirk.
"Huhh!!! You are the one who told me to drop the honourifics a few days back!!"

Suddenly he put two fries in her mouth and
Took some for himself and put them in his mouth.
"Yah!! Those are mine!" Yuki barked . Then she rose up from her seat and took the last remaining chicken lolipop from his plate and quickly put it in her mouth and sat back down.
Haechan had his eyes wide as saucers. He gasped in disbelief
" How dare you! That was my last piece!"
He tried to take something from her plate again but got blocked by her. Suddenly they started to fight to take food from each other's plates.
"Yah! You guys should stop. We are in public" Mark tried to stop them.
"Yuki-ah stop!"y/n tried to grab her arm.

"Haechan quit it-"

Suddenly everything got quite.

Both Haechan and Yuki stopped but they all had their eyes wide. They looked at Renjun who tried to stop them now had Haechan's smoothie all over his shirt.
While trying to stop them , Haechan knocked his smoothie all over Renjun.

Haechan knew he messed up. He looked terrified.
Renjun closed his eyes and pursed his lips trying not to curse.
"S-sorry Renjuniee!! I'm really sorry. I'll help you clean -"
" No need. I'll do it myself but you are gonna do the laundry for the week " Renjun fumed and then left.
" No way! urgh!"  Haechan looked liked a kicked puppy.

Y/n looked at him sadly. " Serves him right" Yuki mumbled under her breath which only y/n could hear, thankfully. Y/n nudged her telling her to stop.


"Aish that idiot!!" Renjun sighed while trying to get the smoothie stain off of his plain white shirt.

Removing stains is already hard ,on top of it , it had to be his white shirt which made it ten times more difficult. He feels frustrated.

He tried his hard to wipe the mark but without no gain . And like this he used the last piece of wet tissue and threw it in the bin.

He sighed while looking at the sink and rested his hands around the brim of the sink.
Suddenly a wet tissue was in front of him.
He looked in confusion and looked up.

The pink haired boy spoke up " you were struggling so  I decided to help"

Renjun didn't say anything but took the wet tissue and tried to wipe it clean.

But still he couldn't clean it.

" I have a spare hoodie . I'll get it for you. Wait" the pink haired boy said and rushed out to get the said peice of fabric.

After a few minutes he returned and offered a purple hoodie to Renjun.

Renjun took it from him. " Thanks.. Hendery"

Hendery just shrugged. Renjun then went inside of a cubicle and came changed after two minutes.

"So how's life going? You are coming back to school next Monday right?" Renjun pulled his glass up and asked.
" Yeah... is she?" Hendery fiddled with his fingers.

Renjun kept quiet for a few seconds then replied " better than before but we still don't know when she'll wake up"
Hearing this hendery became quite. A flash of sadness washed over his big doe eyes.

Suddenly Hendery's eyes watered " I..I miss you guys ....and her too"

Renjun came forward and put a hand on his shoulder.
" Everything will be okay. Just wait till she wakes up."

Hendery suddenly hugged him tight and sobbed on his shoulder.

Hope you enjoyed and if you did leave a vote and make sure to comment, it'd be highly appreciated 💜💜💜

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