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( Advance sorry for some grammatical errors )


"Fuck. Another nightmare..."

I woke up early in the morning because of my alarm clock and it's another semester, at least, it's the last semester and next year, i'll be studying abroad.

I checked my phone and saw Lia's message...

"I can't meet you in our meeting place, i need to study for my pre-test exam, i'm sorry. Let's just meet after school."

I sighed so loud and went straight ahead on my bathroom and take a shower. After i take a bath, someone knock on my door...

"Madam, your food is here."

It's already 10 Months since I lost my Mom and Dad because of a car accident. At first, it was so hard for me to move on but nothing's gonna changed if i keep on crying and pleasing them to stay alive, i just accepted the fact that i'm all alone now.

I already have Lia in my life, i'm just waiting for her answer.


"Lia? Will you be mine?"

Lia smiled at me then she told me...

"I like you too, Ryujin...but, let's take things slow, i'm not yet ready to commit in something like this, you know that i'm aiming fo—"

I hold Lia's hands and told her...

"Then I'll wait, no matter how long it is..."


Luckily, i don't suffer from money because my family owned the Four Points hotel, we have a lot of branches around the world and it's written in my Mom and Dad's last will that when they died, all of our businesses and hotels will be under my name.

I decided to not announce that i am the new chairman, I don't want to show myself from live television, it'll ruined my privacy.

After an hour, I called my personal driver to get ready. I'm staying on the upper floor of my hotel, and when i went on the ground floor, all of my crews, and workers vowed in front of me.

I called the Manager and asked him...

"Are you the new Manager?"

He nervously nodded and answered....

"Y-yes, I am, Madam..."

I smiled at him and told him....

"Don't be nervous, i'm not gonna bite you but please, always remember, don't you ever do that vow thing to me, no one knows that i'm the owner of this, okay?"

"I-i'm sor—"

I tapped his back and smiled at him...

"Don't be sorry, it's okay....i need to go now..."

When i went outside the Hotel, I instantly entered inside my car.

After 20 Minutes, I'm already at the convenience store near my University.

No one knows that i'm like a rich-rich student here and all of my classmates always wonder how did i end up studying here in one of the most famous private school, Seoul National University.

When I entered my classroom....


It was Yuna, the only close friend that i have. She became my friend last year because our Teacher accidentally thought we're twins because we has the same last name then we ended seating next to each other and became friends.

The Ghost on the Yeonhui-dong StreetWhere stories live. Discover now