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During my class, i can't stop thinking about what happened earlier this morning. Just how did that happened that i can touch Yeji. For all the times that i encountered with a ghost, i can't touch them they were just like an air.

Suddenly, someone whispered on my ear....

"hey...ryujin...why are you not focusing?"

I thought it was Yuna....

"..shut up, Yuna...i'm thinking about—"

Yuna moves her face at me and asked me...

"..w-what? why are you saying my name?"

When i turned around, it was Yeji....

"Hey!! don't blame your was me who whispered to you. You're really not focusing on your Teacher. I wish she would call your name and let you recite what she's talking about...."

Yeji stands in front of my class and dancing behind my Teacher. I can't help it but i laughed silently.....

"Ms. Shin Ryujin...."

I stand up then my Teacher told me....

"Can you share with your class the reasons why you're smiling? while i'm standing here and teaching you all a lesson."

I don't know what my Teacher was talking about then i ended up standing in front of the class while i'm raising both of my hands. Yeji sits on my chair and she's laughing so hard.

While i'm standing, i suddenly felt cold then i saw someone's entering the door. It was another lost ghost. I acted like i can't see the ghost who entered then it came closer to Yeji.

Yeji stopped smiling and asked the ghost to go outside. The ghost has a long hair and also wearing the same uniform that i wear. Yeji stand up and it looks like she's talking to that ghost. I tried to avoid having an eye contact with Yeji but i ended up looking at her.

The ghost came closer to me, it looks like she knows that i'm the one who looked at Yeji. I tried to strengthen my heart to not get caught, the ghost moves her face closer my face and trying to make an eye contact with me. I stares at Yuna acting like we're laughing at each other luckily, Yuna stares at me and laughed.

I bend down my knees and looks into my Teacher's eyes....

"Ma'am? I'm s-sorry...but my knees already hurts...."

My Teacher let me sit, the ghost went outside then i never seen Yeji and that ghost after our class. During lunchtime, i tried to look for Yeji then i saw her and that ghost talking. I need to distance myself with Yeji or else, that ghost will follow me too. Maybe, i can take this as chance to get rid of Yeji.

When i asked Yeji last week on why she keeps on following me when i'm going to school and going home, she told me that she doesn't know how to go to my Hotel and she also doesn't know how to go to the University all by herself.

10 Minutes before our lunchtime ends....

"Yuna? can you come with me? let's go to Lia's room...."

Yuna nodded at me, i brought a milk, breads, and apple. I know that Lia will forget to eat her meals once she started studying. The rooms for special sections was kinda far away. I started to asked Yuna while we're walking.....

"Yuna? I never opened to you right? About my Family? My life? I'm always the listener but i never shared what's happening with me...."

Yuna sighs and told me....

"When i'm talking about my life with you and you're not sharing yours—I always told myself that Maybe, Ryujin was not ready could be that her life story was too deep that she ended up not sharing it to anyone. When i'm talking about my life it's not that i'm pressuring you that you need to tell yours now...."

Yuna hold my hand and smiled....

"....but if you're ready to talk about your life, i'm willing to listen everytime."

I showed my Family picture to her then she said....

"Wait? Is this your Parents? They kinda look familiar...."

"Yes, they are my Parents who dies from car accident. I'm their only Child, the Child's that the world's been looking for...."

Yuna suddenly stopped walking....

"Owshit!!!! Y-Yo-You're the new chairman of Four Points Hotel?!?!?!?!!!! That's why you always get the new Iphone, new Gucci bags, new Chanel bags, and you always treats me to famous restaurants—Ryujin....don't tell me, you has a black card?????"

Yuna checked my wallet....


I blocked Yuna's mouth and told her....

"Shhhhh!! you're the third person who only knows about me, just keep it a secret...."

Yuna asked.....

"Lia is the other one, and me, then who's the third one?"

I think about Yeji but can i consider her? since she's already a ghost......

"Secret....just don't mind the third one..."

"Can i visit your house? Ryujin????"

"I don't have a house, i only live in my Hotel..."

After talking, we finally reached Lia's room. I saw her reading inside her room and all of the students there are looking at us. Our Uniform stands out because it's only the two of us who's wearing a regular uniform. I asked Yuna to gave the foods that i bought for Lia...

"Yuna? Can you gave this to her? She don't wanna see me..."

I saw Yuna gave it to Lia, Lia just nodded at Yuna then we went back to our classroom. After an hour, it's already our last subject but our class representative announced something.....

"Hey? Everyone? Our last subject Teacher sent me a message, He says that he can't be here because he's sick."

Yeji was the first person who came into my mind, this is my first chance to get rid of her. Yeji always waited for me at the convenience store since it's the place where i always stay in after school. I called my Driver to come and pick me up. I told him that he can enter the University.

I asked Yuna....

"Yuna? I'll send you home..."

Yuna said 'Yes' instantly but i'm only using her so that people would think that Yuna owns the car. When my Driver arrives....

"Can we drop Yuna to her place?"

"Yes, Madam..."

After a while, we already reached Yuna's house....

"Wow? Yuna....your house was so damn big...."

"Do you want to come inside?"

"Maybe next time? I still have a lot of things to do...."

I lied, i have nothing to do. When we're already at home, my room was so quiet.

I tried to open my T.V and it was the cartoon that's Yeji's always watching. I turned off the T.V and went inside my bedroom, i tried to search her University. After a while, someone knocks on my door....

"Madam? your dinner is here...."

While i'm eating, i'm still searching for her uniform....

"White Blouse with gray short skirt"
"School Uniform in Seodaemun-gu"
"School Uniforms of South Korea"
"School Uniforms around Seoul"

After hours of looking, i saw her uniform.....


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