Yeji, Who are you?

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When it's already a lunch time, Yuna and I went to the cafeteria inside our campus then i saw Yeji looking in the cafeteria's foods and sitting in every table. I saw Lia sitting all alone on the round table, Yuna and I sits besides her and act like we're just sitting next to her.

I hold Lia's hand under the table , she avoid my hand and she just eat while reading her books. Yeji suddenly sits besides me and keeps on talking.....

"This University is so amazing...i wish i could study here..."

She take a look on Yuna's face then Yuna suddenly....

"Woaahhh!! i suddenly felt so cold...."

Yeji was laughing because she's blowing Yuna's ear then she looks into Lia's face....

"Wow...Ryujin...this girl is so pretty but she's kinda cold because of her aura...."

After eating, we secretly whispered at Lia and told her that i need to go now....

"see you later..."

Lia didn't answer. Yeji asked me while we're walking towards my classroom....

"Ryujin...Can i take a look around? I wanna see every inch of my dream university...."

I slowly signed my hand that is pointing out that she can go now.


It is the usual after school, where i need to wait in the convenience store for Lia. Yeji was following me, i already told her a hundred times to not follow me around but she keeps on insisting.

I ended up being with her inside the convenience store, i put my airpods on and tried to talk to her....

"Why are you doing this to me? Why me? Little gh—i mean, Yeji?"

She sits besides me and told me....

"I don't know too...but i feel like you're the answer to my has something but i don't know what that know what, i can't actually leave that street but when i bumped into you....there's suddenly a miracle...."

I never answered her again, i waited for Lia to come and when she's already there....

"Ryujin...sorry...i'm a little bit late..."

"It's fine, do you want to eat something? i'll buy you anything you want..."

Yeji was shocked and it looks like she already get what's happening between me and Lia. She keeps on playing around the store.

"Lia? Can i hold your hand?"

Lia gave me her left hand and she's reading books again....

"You has a new wounds again? and it looks like a scratch....what are you doing, Lia?"

Lia pulled her coat to cover her arms then she told me....

"It's nothing to worry about, i accidentally scratched it so hard because it's so itchy...."

I kissed Lia's arms then Lia asked me...

"What are you doing?"

I smiled at her and says....

"Maybe, my kiss will heal your wounds....i'll walk you home?"

When we're already walking there's a 3 meters apart between me and Lia, Yeji was following us, it looks like she's enjoying walking outside....

"Lia? there's no people around here anymore..."

Lia offered her hands and smiled...

"Okay...let's walk together now..."

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