Heejin sounds like Yeji

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Our quiz bee will start at exactly 3:00 PM, my Teacher confiscate my phone and give me a space to read. I wanted to read, to review, but how can i do that when i'm still unaware of what's happening to Ryujin. There's only a few minutes left and then i'll go to stage.

After a minutes, i heard that i'm against the Student from Hanyang University and after a while....

"Choi Jisu from Seoul National University, please enter the stage now."

When i'm already at the stage, i need to put myself together. I breathed deeply and the quiz suddenly started.

"Question number one, a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a stat—"

I tapped my table instantly and answered....


I tried so hard but in the middle of the quiz bee, my opponent got the highest score and then, i saw someone approaching near the stage, it was Ryujin. Ryujin was smiling at me and saying something, i can't hear her but i can read her lips....

"..i'm sorry for making you worry, i'm fine now. go!! win that quiz bee..."

I sighed so loud and i finally felt so relaxed. I focus on the quiz bee and after that, i won against the Student from Hanyang University, my lead was just a points and i'm moving on the next round, it'll be the day after tomorrow.

After i received my certificate, my Teacher told me that i can go home now. I looked for Ryujin but she's not inside the gymnasium. When i opened my phone, i saw her message.

"I'm waiting for you, outside the convenience store...."

The moment when i saw her, i know there's something new. She's standing mext to her car and i don't know how did this happened because as far as i know, Ryujin was so scared driving a car ever since her Mom and Dad died.

"Ryujin? Did you—I mean—You???? Driving a car?????"

"Yes...come inside now before someone see us..."

Ryujin opened the car's door and let me enter....

"A-a-are you sure? Ryujin? You can drive this? W-where are we going?"

Ryujin smiled at me and answered....

"It's all fine now, Lia....Just stay still, we're going somewhere...."

*7 Months Ago*

"I can actually drive a car but you know? when Mom and Dad died i suddenly felt scared once i started driving it....It was my Dad who taught me how to..."

"Then—I'll guide you....It's better if you know how to drive a car so at least, we can drive around and go to some places we want to visit..."

Ryujin and I went into her parking lot and she started starting her engine....

"Just focus Ryujin....Don't let yourself think of something that can scare you...."

This is not what i expected, Ryujin accidentally straight over on the car that was parking in front of us.

After that, i never push her to drive a car again.


I am so surprised because Ryujin was driving normally and her face looks so relax and i think she's enjoying this. I'm happy for her that she can drive now but i don't know how this happened....

"Ryujin? How did this happened? You're not scared of driving anymore....."

Ryujin smiled at me and answered....

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