You're Alive

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I have no rights to say this but i'm fucking jealous. The way she hugged Ryujin, it's so easy to say that she likes her. I already planned that on Monday, February 14, Valentines day. I'm gonna say 'Yes' to Ryujin. I've been waiting for this day to come, i want it to be special and i'm just waiting for my Quizbee to end.

When i saw her hugging Ryujin, i went closer to her and hold her hand....

"Stop hugging her, Ryujin...let's go outside."

When we're already outside, i asked Ryujin....

"Who is she? Why are you so close to her? You never mentioned that you have a friend from Chadwick University and she lives in Inche— told me the other day that you went to Incheon—Is she the reasons why?"

I'm..I'm speechless....but what can i do? maybe, she's tired of waiting. I guess i'm too late now. I turned around and when i'm about walk away, i can feel Ryujin's hands circling around my waist and whispered at me....

"You're wrong...she's only a friend of mine that i met in Incheon. There's nothing going on between us."

When i'm about to hug her, she suddenly stepped backward and it looks like she saw someone but there's no one around, she's been like this for the past days. I take this as an opportunity to say 'Sorry' to her because i know that i already crossed the lines, she just want to help me but i take that in a wrong way.

"Ryujin? I've been meaning to say this but i'm re—"

Ryujin suddenly shouted....


She hold her feet and i asked her why....

"Why? What's going on?"

"Nothing...c-continue what your gonna tell me..."

"I said, I'm s-so—"

Ryujin bended her body and covered her ears, she told me....

"T-There's a b-bug..."

But, there's no bug. Since it's a private University there's a weekly general cleaning in the entire University. I checked my watch and it's about to ring for the next class....

I put both of my hands in Ryujin's cheeks and i kissed her forehead....

"I said...I'm sorry for everything that i said to you...I made a five mistakes to you..."

I kissed Ryujin's forehead....

"One, that's for misinterpreting you..."

I kissed Ryujin's right cheek....

"Two, that's for pushing you away when there's someone around us..."

I kissed Ryujin's left cheek....

"Three, i'm sorry for making you feel that this is only a one sided love..."

I kissed Ryujin's nose....

"Four, i'm so sorry for making you feel worthless because i never acted so sweet to you..."

I put Ryujin's hands on my back and i put my hands on her waist, i lean my head on her chest and i whispered to her....

"The last kiss...i'm gonna give it to you...but just wait...and for now, i'm not gonna hide you anymore..."

The bell suddenly rings, Ryujin looks so surprised. Well, this is the first time i acted like this in front of her. I asked Ryujin before we part ways....

"Can you walk me home, later?"

Ryujin smiled at me and told me....


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