Let's walk together

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"Wow...Ryujin—you already like me?"

I run to Heejin and hold her hand...

"Let's go outside."

I can't stop moving, i felt annoyed, i don't know what i'm feeling....

"R-Ryujin? What's happening to you? You're still holding my hands so tight...."

"I-I'm s-sorry, Heejin."

Heejin sits on the bench of soccer field and asked....

"Why do you look like something's bothering you? What happened?"

I looked around if Yeji was there, i whispered to myself....

"...yes!! she's not here..."

I sit besides Heejin and asked her...

"I-I have a Friend who accidentally kissed her friend...she can't fall inlove with her because there is something off but my friend can't tell if she's inlove or not...it's just she's nervous if the heart beat that she heard is the heart beat of falling...."

Heejin laughs sarcastically and answered....

"Aahhhh...that Friend is you—"

"Y-Yes...N—NO!!!! NOT ME!!! NOT ME!!!"

I sighed loudly and slapped my forehead, Heejin told me...

"I'm sorry, Ryujin...I can't actually help you with that..you're the one who can answer that question and maybe, if you cared so much about her then you love her? i don't know..."

Heejin stand up and pat my head...

"How sad...I'm about to court you—but it looks like there's already someone in your heart..."

My phone suddenly ring....

"Hello? Ryujin..."

"Oh? Jeongyeon Unnie..."

"It's all planned now, this coming Saturday at exactly 2:00 PM...I'll be there at 1:00 PM, the venue will be at your hotel...later, I'll send you your script..."

"Alright!! Thank you..."

I gave Heejin my room's key and told her to stay in my room while i'm still here in University. I went to Lia's building and checked Kang So-Young. When i went there, i saw So-Young, she's sitting on Lia's table and she's telling something.

I went inside their room and kicked the table in front of her....

"Yahhh!! Kang So-Young...."

Kang So-Young stares at me and answered...


I hold her hand and asked her....

"What are you doing to her? Did you forget what i told you? I said SAY 'SORRY' TO LIA AND HAE-NA."

She literally pissed me off, she looks into my eyes and asked me...

"Did i do something wrong? It's actually Lia who did something wrong...she's been hurting Hae-na every—"

I can't take it anymore, i shouted at her...


When i'm about to curse, Lia called me and asked me to go outside....

"RYUJIN!!! Stop—let's go outside...."

When i'm about to go outside their room, i told So-Young....

"One day...you'll bend your knees in front of me, Lia, and Hae-na..."

Lia hold my hand and pulled me outside, when we're already outside....

"Ryujin??? Are you crazy??? I said you don't nee—"

I pushed Lia's hand and told her...

"I'm not here for you...I'm here for Hae-na...and what's wrong when i'm just helping you? Don't you trust me? Why do you hate me, Lia? Do you think i'm helping you so that i can ask for a return? Lia? Are you even thinking about me? Or I am just no one to yo—"

Lia looked into my eyes and it's about to cry...

"I-It's all wrong, R-Ryujin..."

I walked out and went straight to my classroom, Yeji sits besides me and lean her head on the table....

"You're mad, Ryujin...close your eyes, breathe in, breathe out, and look at me..."

I smiled when i looked at Yeji.....

"Why are you smiling, Ryujin???"

It was Yuna. After School, Lia was there outside my classroom....

"Ryujin? Can you walk me home?"

When we're already walking, Yeji was following us and keeps on singing. When there's no one around, Lia was making her steps to move closer to me but Yeji run in front of me and says....

"Oh?!! Ryujin!!! Take a look at this..."

Lia steps away again, when Lia was about to say something....

"R-Ryujin, I'm s—"

Yeji started shouting....


I accidentally shouted....

"SHUT UP!!!!"

Lia gets shocked and says...

"I-I'm s-sorry...."

I hold her hands and told her....

"No!! No!! No!!!! It's not—that's nothing..i just accidentally shouted..."

Lia nodded and stand in her Inn's door....

When i'm about to walk away, Yeji covered my ears and told me....

"Let's go now...."

While i'm walking, someone throw a paper at me and when i turned around, it was Lia...

"Ryujin...Do you still love me?"

I spaced out for a second, Lia told me....

"It's almost 9 Months since you asked me, just wait for the right time...again, i'm asking you....Do you still love me? Ryujin?"

I nodded at her and answered...


Yeji run away then i told Lia...

"I need to go now, bye!!"

I chased Yeji and asked her...

"Why are you running??? and why are you acting like that???"

This is the first time i heard Yeji cursing....

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK????? Ryujin???? It's obviously that i am fucking jeal—"

I laughed and asked her....

"Are you jealous????"

Yeji was so straightforward....

"YES!! I am....how insensitive you are."

I suddenly think...Yeji like me but that's it, how come she's acting like she's my girlfriend but to be honest, she's cute. I hold her hands and asked her....

"What do you want?"

Yeji hold my hands tighter and answered....

"Walk me home...let's walk together...."

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