Much Better

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"I need to go now, Ryujin...take care of yourself, okay? stop thinking about that...just take a rest...and before i leave..i just want to tell you that i still love and i'm gonna wait for you and make you fall inlove again with me."

Ryujin smiled at me then i left her room. It's been a month since that incident happened then that is also the day where i decided to start a new beginning because maybe, a miracle will happen.


I'm in my bed that time, crying. I'm still trying to cope up and trying to regain myself for a break up that happened between me and Ryujin but my phone suddenly rings....


I think twice before i went to Ryujin's room because i'm still not yet ready to see her but her cousin sounds so sincere and nervous. I went to her Hotel and knocked on her door for so many times....

"R-Ryujin...i came here because your cousin asked me to..."
"Ryujin???? Can you hear me????"

I called her phone for so many times but she's not answering. I called the Manager of the hotel and asked them to open the door and when they opened the door, i went to her bedroom then i saw her lying down on her bed, i tried to wake her up but she's not waking up.

I called an ambulance and i take care of her for the moment she's still sleeping. She slept for almost 46 Hours and when she opened her eyes, she seems like she forgot that we cut ties but when i asked her if she still like me, she answered straight forward....

"I-I don't know...i just felt like we're bestfriends..."

When we asked the Doctor on why does Ryujin experiencing this they just told us that it may be caused of stress but Ryujin was physically healthy. Ryujin was talking to me like nothing happened between us, i take this as an opportunity to make her fall inlove with me. I'll wait no matter how long it is.


I already packed my things, i don't know how can i still make Ryujin fall inlove with me now that we're going to part ways. Next week will be our flight, i'm on the way to Oxford University while she's on the way to Harvard University.

A 2 Hours away won't matter as long as i have money to use but it'll be much harder now that we're turning college.


What is this feeling? The moment i opened my eyes when i got confined until now, i'm still looking for something but i don't know what i'm looking for.

I'm finally leaving this place, i'm gonna miss this room, so bad. While i'm packing my things, i remembered the letter and the name tag that i keep on taking care of, i just felt like i should never ever lose this. When i read what i wrote on the paper.....

"Remember the ghost that you met on the Yeonhui-dong Street. she has a light fury eyes, she's so talkative, she's the girl that you love so bad. Her name was Ye—"

Whenever i'm reading this, i fucking missed someone but i don't know who. Ye? Who is she? It looks like i'm still not done writing this and the name tag i have was kinda faded and broken that's why i can't read it anymore.

The sofa, the T.V, once i looked into that things, i'm shedding a tears but i don't know why. I'm really missing someone, i wanted to hug whoever she is, i wanter to kiss her whenever it is, i wanted to marry her.

If i have forgotten whoever she is, i will make sure i will remember her. I'm feeling like i don't wanna leave this place but i also felt like i need to. So, i'm just gonna make sure that i'm gonna visit here whenever it's Mom and Dad's death anniversary.

One year later....

"How are you? Mom and Dad?"

It's me, looking like a crazy girl talking to the pole that says "Yeonhui-dong Street". It's Mom and Dad's death anniversary. I'm gonna tell them everything that happened to me in the Harvard University....

"I'm really having a hard time there but Lia always visited me once a week and you know what? Lia was so famous in Oxford University became i once visited her in there and literally, everyone was so into her...sadly, she's into me but i don't know why...i just love her as my bestfriend...i'm still waiting for someone..i don't know who...i just felt like i'm missing someone...."

After talking to the pole,  i looked around and try to find the ghost that i've been talking about but ever since i got into the Hospital, i can't see a ghost anymore i should be happy with that but i'm kinda feeling sad because i felt like i find an answer with the help of this ability.

While i'm walking on the street in the middle of the night, i sit down on the chair for a while then i heard a street band singing and their singer's voice sounds so familiar to me. I run so fast to that street band but a lot of people was watching them.

When i got a chance to move forward, i saw a girl who has a light fury eyes that fits so well to what i wrote but she's not a ghost. She's singing so happy and her smile was so beautiful.

I tried to remember who she is but i can't, my heart can't stop beating so fast and i wanted to hug her and kiss her for no reason. My tears started to fall while i'm watching her sing, while my heart's feeling happy, i also lowkey feels like my heart's burning because i can't remember who she is.

When i can't stop crying anymore, i ran so fast and while i'm running away.....


Someone grab my hand and she is the girl that i think i know her. My heart beats way faster than before now that i had a physical contact with her. She looks into my eyes so bad and i also stares into her eyes. Her eyes looks like about to cry then she told me.....

"I-I don't know y-you but i felt like i really need to know you...i wanted to hug you, kiss you, and i felt like we have something..."

I started crying and i don't know how this happened because we're feeling the same thing....

"W-We are feeling the same thing...the moment i saw you, i wanted to pulled your hands and hug you, kiss you, and marry you. I felt like we already met before. I'm looking for someone but i don't know her name and i've been missing her and i felt like it was you...."

She started crying too, and told me....

"I'm looking for someone too...and i think it was you...I'm so happy right now..."

She's a stranger but i felt like i know her and when i asked her.....

"I'm Shin Ryujin...What's your name?"

She smiled at me and answered....

"I'm Hwang Yeji...I wanna know you, much better...."

The Ghost on the Yeonhui-dong StreetWhere stories live. Discover now