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"And you're sure this could work, Shikamaru?" Tsuki said, tears welling up in her eyes,"I trust you, I just don't want to get my hopes up, I've been on enough of an emotional roller coaster lately."

"It's not guaranteed, and the jutsu can be hit or miss and you only have one shot at it, but it might work if we get enough people." Shikamaru said

"Let's go to Lady Tsunade right now." Tsuki stood up and hastily walked across the hallway to the Hokage's office and burst through the doors with Shikamaru

"Tsuki!" Tsunade looked up from her desk,"How's the baby?"

"Baby's fine." Tsuki said practically running up to her desk,"Listen, Shikamaru turned in this report on the scroll from the Genjutsu Tree Village, have you read it?"

"Not yet..." She said grabbing the paper and skimming over it,"Is it something special?"

"Absolutely." Tsuki said,"If I may request, I'd like to gather a team to use this jutsu to get Kakashi back."

"Get Kakashi back?!" Tsunade was shocked,"What do you mean get him back?! That's impossible!"

"Shikamaru! Explain your idea!" Tsuki said as she started nervously pacing around the room.

"Basically the mechanism of this jutsu manipulates the spacetime continuum. Anyone who undergoes it gets thrust onto the timeline of the person the justu castor has in mind. It can only be used once, but if we get a team together of everyone that was there on the day the Shioki clan attacked, one of us may end up getting thrown back into that fight. Then we can prevent Kakashi from ever dying. And then whoever does that will release the jutsu and it will erase any memories Kakashi may have of meeting us, while changing the future past that point based on the changes we made."

"Who would be able to cast such a Jutsu?" Tsunade said, her ears perked up at the idea,"And this won't disrupt other parts of the future?"

"It shouldn't, as long as we're careful not to alter major events. The scroll outlines that whenever you get pushed onto the subject's timeline, you revert back to whatever age you were at that time, unless you weren't born yet, then you'd stay the same. But it would let us hide in plain sight as long as we make sure not to run into our real selves."

"Sasuke can cast it and we can have me, Shikamaru, Kai, Kanari, Mitsue, Sai, and Naruto undergo it. Basically everyone that was there at the time." Tsuki explained with a shaky voice,"Please, I'm begging you Tsunade. I know it's a longshot but I won't be able to sleep knowing that I could potentially get Kakashi back. I mean I already don't sleep but you know what I mean!"

"Will it put our Shinobi in danger? How do you get out of the jutsu?" Tsunade asked.

"It's a potentially dangerous mission because you are you are acting as your real self even though you'd be put in a other time period. It can only be released by the castor or unless someone accomplishes our goal of saving Kakashi then the jutsu will self-release. So we'd have to put a time limit on how long we're under this jutsu so we're not stuck in there forever, just in case no one lands on the correct time period. I can't believe a jutsu this powerful was just sitting in the Genjutsu Tree Village." Shikamaru explained further.

"Well.... I guess it's worth a shot.." Tsunade said

Tsuki jumped into the air,"Yes!"

She turned and hugged Shikamaru,"Thank you so much for finding this!"

"Shikamaru, write up an official mission request for me and outline the details of your mission.  Everyone involved should be back from their missions by Friday. We can do it then." Tsunade said.

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade!" Tsuki bowed and returned to her office feeling giddy. She sat and spun in her chair, grasping at Kakashi's ring on her necklace, staring at the family photo of the four Hatake clan members she kept on her desk. She smiled.  The prospect of possibly seeing Kakashi again was so overwhelming for her, considering she had felt so hopeless and alone this past month.

She gasped,"I've got to tell the twins!" She decided to take her lunch early and ran to the training fields where they'd be training with Naruto.

Fear and Love Part II (Kakashi x oc)Where stories live. Discover now