Kai's Timeline Pt. 5 (Final)

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After meticulously cutting up several apples with peanut butter, nori sheets and making rice balls for the road, Kakashi packed extra snacks in Kai's backpack and they prepared for their journey.

He quickly learned that Kai loved snacking, so Kakashi did everything in his power to make sure he had plenty of food around the house.

"Kai!" Kakashi called down the hall,"Are you about ready?!"

"Almost! I'm brushing my teeth." Kai yelled from the bathroom.

Kakashi sighed,"For me not having raised him thus far, he sure has the habit of being late."

Kai ran down the hall to the kitchen holding out Kakashi's infamous orange book,"Dad! You almost forgot this!"

Kakashi was mortified,"Oh thanks..........."

Kai rolled his eyes,"Don't worry, I didn't read it or anything.."

"Phew, thank goodness. You're not allowed to read this until you're at least eighteen. I'm setting that ground rule right now." Kakashi said as he opened the front door and gestured that it was time to leave.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Kai smiled and ran towards the door.

Kai held on tight to Kakashi's hand as they began their trek into the forest.

"How long do you think it'll take for you to move you and your mom's stuff to the Leaf?" Kakashi asked.

Kai made up another lie,"Hmm maybe a few days to pack everything and we might have to make two trips. So like a week maybe?"

"I see. I should be back by then, and by then too Lady Tsunade will have returned to the village. When you and your mother get here the both of you are more than welcome to stay at my house until your mom finds a place of her own. But if she doesn't want to do that, I can make arrangements with the Hokage for housing or I'll pay for a room at the inn for the two of you until everything gets sorted out." Kakashi said, he had been thinking about what it was going to be like to meet Kai's mother.

He didn't know who the woman was, he couldn't remember for the life of him which was odd considering he had a pretty good memory. But whatever the case, he planned to act civil, so much as to provide one of the empty rooms at his house for her to use, even if he did hold some resentment for hiding Kai from him all these years.

Kakashi and Kai walked hand in hand down the same path of the forest, stopped for lunch, and then continued on their journey for several hours.

"Hey, dad?" Kai asked.

"What's that, son?" Kakashi looked down at the brown haired boy that was holding his hand.

"Who's Obito and Rin?"

Kakashi's heart sped up at the question. It was such a complicated answer.

Kai knew that Obito and Rin were his former teammates, and that they had died while they were young. Well at least at this point Kakashi thought Obito had died so Kai was playing along with that narrative. But Naruto stopped talking about it just before he was going to spill the beans as to how Rin died.

"What makes you ask that?" Kakashi was genuinely caught off guard.

"When we went to the cemetery so you could show me where grandpa was, I always saw you glance at the stones that say Obito Uchiha and Rin Nohara. Who were they?"

Kakashi took a deep breath, preparing to divulge his dark past to his son,"Well Obito and Rin were my teammates. And I got Obito killed on my first mission as a Jonin captain. And......I killed Rin."

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