Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 22

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*chk* *chk*

"Your move, rook."

Tsuki and Kakashi were in their pillow fort, playing Shogi. Tsuki was now on her third slice of cake, two bites of which she forced Kakashi to eat, even though he hated sweets. But he ate it cause it was her birthday and she asked him to.

"Geez, Kashi you're an aggressive Shogi player..." Tsuki said examining the board, trying to figure out which move to make next. He was playing an offensive game and Tsuki was trying her best to defend her end of the board, but had a strategy playing out in the background.

They've played Shogi before back in their real timeline, and Tsuki could never win. It irritated her how much of a genius Kakashi was sometimes. It made her happy when she would watch him and Shikamaru play so she could finally watch Kakashi lose the damn game.

"Hey I'm not going easy on you just cause it's your birthday, Kuraku." Kakashi joked taking a sip of his tea. He looked up to watch Tsuki's heavily concentrated face as she tried to figure out which move to make. She looked cute and angelic to him all at the same time.

He couldn't stop his breath from quickening as he took in the sight of how the twinkling fairy lights danced off her face, putting half of a it in a dim shadow while her piercing ocean blue eyes still stood out in the darkness amongst her long curled eyelashes. He thought it was adorable how she put her thumb to her closed pink lips in concentration while her chestnut brown hair framed her face and shoulders in a way he would consider literally perfect.

He was entranced by her every feature and how they all exquisitely came together into one person. He thought she may have been too perfect, and considered for a brief moment that she may not even be of this world. He didn't know why a girl like her would even give a guy like him the time of day. He wondered if anyone else around the village would be as disturbed by her beauty as much as he was if they were to see her walking down the street.

He felt his face heating up as a light tingling sensation traveled down his neck.

"HA! You fell for my trap, Hatake!" She said, her head still down looking at the board, moving her piece to knock off one of Kakashi's major pieces, winning the game.

Kakashi chuckled as she claimed her victory, he was too distracted to play a decent game of Shogi,"Eh, I've fallen for you in more ways than one, Kuraku."

Tsuki gasped and locked eyes with him, taking note of how red his face was and how loving the look in his eyes was.

'Fuck, Kashi please don't say it. Do not say I love you. I haven't figured out a way for you to forget me yet.' she thought

But luckily, that would be the most Kakashi could muster to say. For anytime he was about to say those three words, he was overtaken by a fear of losing her.

He wasn't a superstitious guy, he was calm, calculated, intelligent, logical. But when it came to this one thing, love, in any form, whether it be friends, family, romance, he was convinced if he confessed it aloud, then that person would surely die, somehow it being his fault.

He had lost too many loved ones before, he didn't want to risk losing her, the girl that somehow within five days of meeting her had become the most precious, most important living creature in the world to him. He was terrified that she would somehow get caught in the figurative acid rain from the black cloud that constantly hung over his head.

He'd do anything to protect her from that fate.

He even thought about dumping her and shutting her out, in an attempt to fulfill that corny cliche "if you love her let her go."

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