Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 2

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Kakashi had tunnel vision as his eyes focused on the silver-haired figure standing on the porch of the house next door.

He heard the glass shatter on the ground and apologetically looked at Rin,"Oh shit, I'm sorry, Rin, I'll clean that up.." he said walking away from the mess towards the other house.

Rin giggled as she grabbed a broom,"Don't worry about it, Kakashi, just go over there."

Kakashi didn't even respond, his feet just carried him to the man he hadn't seen in years.

"Dad!" He yelled he ran up to the White Fang of the Leaf, who was holding his arms open.

"Kakashi!" Sakumo caught him in his arms and hugged him tight,"Back so soon? I figured you would have waited a little longer.."

One or two tears leaked from Kakashi's eyes as he buried his face in his dad's shoulder. He was making up for the last time he saw his dad in the afterlife, he never even got the chance to hug him.

He backed off finally, but held on to his dad's forearms.

"Kakashi?" A woman's voice spoke up from next to Sakumo, startling Kakashi.

He was so focused on seeing his dad, he never saw the woman standing next to him. But he didn't recognize her.

"Oh! I'm so sorry if I was rude, Ma'am." Kakashi bowed to the mature woman with short black hair and grey eyes,"I just got so excited seeing my father again I didn't even see you standing there."

The woman smiled back lovingly,"Nice to finally meet you, Kakashi, my name is Nozomi..."

She paused looking at Kakashi to see if he'd figure it out, but Kakashi's mind was spinning too fast.

"Nozomi Hatake." She said again, this time saying her last name to get her point across.

"Hatake?" Kakashi said as his jaw dropped and he looked over at Sakumo, his body figured it out before his mind did.

He looked back over at the woman, examining her face and features, trying to deduce as to why her name was Hatake. He noticed a beauty mark in lower left corner of her chin.

More tears poured from his eyes as soon as it hit him, making him reach out and grab her forearms in his hands as she reached back.

"Mom?" Kakashi asked with a small, shaky voice, on the brink of sobbing.

The woman smiled at him.

"Are....are you my mom?" He asked once again as he pulled his mask down off his face. For once he felt like he was being suffocated by the mask. He knew the answer but he wanted to hear her say it.

Nozomi couldn't help but cry as she frantically nodded her head,"I haven't seen you since you were a newborn baby, son!"

"Mom!" That was the only word he seemed to be able to say as Kakashi wrapped his arms around her head and pulled her in for a hug as he sobbed. He felt like a little boy again, hugging his mom for the first time.

He never knew anything about his mom, not what she looked like, what her name was. He only knew that she died in childbirth. The topic was always too hard for Sakumo to bring up.

Nozomi had only seen him the one time, just after giving birth to him. She stayed awake long enough to name him Kakashi, but then quickly after fell into a permanent sleep.

Kakashi held tight, he never wanted to let go of her. He spent his whole life not knowing who the other half of his parental unit was, and now here she was, standing in front of him.

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