Flashback: Princess Kakashi (very fluffy)

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Flashback to when the twins were one and a half years old.
"You sure we can't come along, Tsuki?" Kakashi watched his wife quickly gather her things, she was running late,"We can do something as a family after!"

"I don't wanna crowd the doctor's office with all of us, plus, I'm running late. I've just gotta take Kai to get his booster shots and run a couple errands after and we'll be back!" Tsuki said, picking her son up and putting him on her hip.

Tsuki walked passed Kakashi giving him a quick peck on the lips,"I'll be back, just have a father/daughter day with Kana. Love you."

Tsuki quickly jammed out the door and closed it behind her, not giving Kakashi a chance to respond.

"Love you too." Kakashi said long after the door was closed.

"Daddy, daddy!" An enthusiastic Kanari ran down the hall with her hair brush in hand.

"Come here, peanut!" He outstretched his arms, Kanari ran into them and he lifted her high into the air.

Kanari giggled and started brushing his hair.

"We gotta make you look pretty, daddy." Kanari said.

Kakashi laughed, he literally loved his children so much he felt like he could explode at any given moment.

"Can you help me with my hair?" She asked.

"Of course, pumpkin, let's go..." Kakashi walked to the bathroom and set Kanari on the floor before sitting cross legged behind her.

Once Kanari's hair started growing long, Kakashi forced Tsuki to teach him how to braid hair. He practiced for hours on Tsuki's hair before he felt comfortable doing it to Kanari, he was afraid he'd knot it up or pull on it too hard. But now, he considered himself a master.

"Here!" She handed Kakashi the hair brush.

"No, Kana, show me what I taught you last time. You gotta practice." Kakashi gently pushed the brush back to her,"Walk me through it."

Kanari pouted but started reciting what she knew,"First you brush." Kanari ran the brush through her hair

"Perfect." Kakashi said in response

"Then you get the comb and make a line down the middle." Kanari parted her hair.


"Then you take one side and make three pieces."

"Amazing. Groundbreaking."

"Then I don't know, it's confusing."

"You did so good, Kana. How about I do a special braid this time?" Kakashi was also proud of the fact that he learned how to french braid. Even though it took him tangling Tsuki's hair so bad she had to cut knots out of her hair at least three times.


Kakashi took a hold of Kanari's soft silver hair and began to french braid it, eventually securing both sides with small rubber bands.

"What do you think?" Kakashi grabbed the hand held mirror for her to see.

"Whoaaa!" Kanari gawked at the new hair style.

"All hail princess Kanari!!!" Kakashi fake bowed.

"Hey daddy? If you're a Hokage does that make mommy a queen? So then I really am a princess huh?!" Kanari divulged her theory.

Kakashi chuckled,"Well, Kana, mommy is my queen, but not of the village. That's not how it works. But you're still my little princess!"

Kanari smiled,"Okay your turn!"

She stood on his thighs and began brushing through his hair, putting small chunks of it into multiple ponytails on top of his head.

Kakashi just gladly let it happen.

"Wait, wait! I'll be back stay here!" Kanari ran out of the room into her parents bathroom and stole Tsuki's makeup bag out of her drawer.

"Mommy looks pretty when she puts this stuff on!" Kanari said pulling out multiple makeup items.

She opened up an eyeshadow palette and took a brush and dipped it in an orange color.

"Close your eyes, daddy!" Kanari demanded.

He did so, but slightly protested,"Are you sure orange is my color, Kana? I think I'm much more of a blue kinda person."

"Well we can put both." Next she dipped the brush in the blue eyeshadow and swirled it around his eyes.

Kanari set it down and picked up another compact,"What's this?"

Kakashi grabbed the item,"Blush? I think it goes on the cheeks?' he was in deep thought, trying to picture how Tsuki applied this.

Kanari dipped her hand in the pink color and worked it onto his cheeks in a clown like matter.

"Me too daddy!" She handed him the blush, Kakashi picked out a brush and brushed it onto her cheeks with a little more finesse than Kanari had.

She went digging through the makeup bag once again, pulling out red lipstick.

Kanari climbed onto his lap and kissed his face, making Kakashi's heart flutter with joy.

"Make a kissy face!" Kakashi made a duck face and Kanari focused hard, putting her hand on his chin as she tried carefully apply the lipstick accurately. But she was only one and a half years old, so it was incredibly uneven and bled outside of Kakashi's lip line.

She grabbed black eye liner out of the bag,"We can put whiskers on your face like big brother Naruto!"

She drew three lines on his cheeks and then handed him the mirror,"What do you think? We made you a princess!" She was proud of her work.

Kakashi looked in the mirror and tried so hard not to laugh at all of the colorful makeup haphazardly smeared across his face while his hair was tied into at least five short ponytails randomly across his head.

"Wow, Kana, you have truly outdone yourself." Kakashi said making Kanari squeal and laugh.

"Do you think mommy would go on a date with me like this?" He asked her.

Before Kanari could answer the door opened.

"We're home!" Tsuki yelled into the house, a habit she picked up from Kakashi.

"Mommy come look!" Kanari poked her head around the corner of the hallway.

"Wow, Kana your hair looks so nice. What's all over your cheeks?" Tsuki set Kai down and followed her into the children's bathroom.

Tsuki was shocked to find Kakashi, sitting on the floor with his face covered in makeup and his hair tied up. She saw her makeup all over the floor, with pigments from the powders crumbled everywhere.

She tried not to laugh,"Wh-what happened here?"

"Ugh." Kakashi acted feminine and pompous,"Tsuki, I can't believe you don't know. Can't you see that the great makeup artist known as thee Kanari Hatake, has turned me into the prettiest princess in the Leaf Village?"  He put his hands on his hips

Kanari stood, still proud of her work.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry Kana, I can't believe I didn't notice before!" Tsuki got on her knees and bowed in front of Kanari,"Such talent! It's astonishing!"

Kanari squealed again and ran to Kakashi, jumping into his lap again and wrapping her arms around his neck. He hugged his daughter back, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Have a good time, dear?" Tsuki asked.

He smiled,"A very good time."

😭😭😭 I wanted a chapter where it was just Kakashi and Kanari when she was little because I feel like Kakashi would be the most adorable, loving dad 😭😭😭😭

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