Kanari's Timeline Pt. 1

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Kanari was walking around the Leaf village, trying to figure out what time period she ended up in.

She passed by a window and saw that she looked the same, meaning she either landed sometime in her current timeline or before she was born.

But everything looked.....old.

Technology was definitely not the same as her era.

"I probably didn't land in the right time period." Kanari said to herself as she walked by the academy,"I hope mom, or Kai or someone else did. I want dad back.."

"Ugh!" Kanari grunted and fell to the ground.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" A higher-pitched but familiar voice said to her.

"Now that's no way to talk to someone, son." A deeper voice said.

Kanari stood up and dusted herself off and looked over to see who she bumped into.

She gasped when she saw her father, as a child, probably the same age as her.

'Definitely not in the right timeline' Kanari thought to herself, staring at kid Kakashi, who didn't have a scar on his left eye.

'So this is before he got the Sharingan?' she thought

"What do you say, Kakashi?" Kanari peered up at that other voice and recognized who it was from photos that were hanging around her house.

Sakumo Hatake, her grandfather.

Kanari's jaw dropped to the floor, but she quickly composed herself. This was weird. She had only seen her grandfather in photos but to see him in the flesh was surreal. And to see her father at her age was insane.

"I'm sorry.." Kakashi said crossing his arms and looking away smugly.

"I-I'm sorry too..." Kanari replied.

Sakumo squatted down to her level,"I haven't seen you before, are you new to the Leaf Village?"

"Y-yes." Kanari replied.

"What's your name little one, how old are you?" He asked.

"Kanari Ha-... Harashi. I'm six years old." She quickly covered up her real name, and decided against using the surname Kuraku on account of Sakumo having been to Godai and training her mother.

"What a coincidence that's how old my son Kakashi is! You look so much like a little girl I trained in another village." Sakumo said,"It's quite uncanny actually. Do you have parents?"

"Um, well my dad died, and I don't know my mom. I was coming here to sign up for the academy.." Kanari quickly made up a story.

"Oh well we're headed that way as well. Why don't you walk with us?" Sakumo patted her on the shoulder.

"O-ok." Kanari said

They started walking towards the academy.

"So where are you from anyway?" Kakashi asked her as he skipped backwards to face her.

Kanari scrambled to come up with a story but decided to be some what truthful,"I don't really know, probably some small village in the Land of Fire. I don't remember much and then all of a sudden I was here."

"It's okay, a lot of kids get displaced with the unrest across the Land of Fire." Sakumo reassured her,"You ending up here is not uncommon."

She breathed a sigh of relief that her story was believable.

Kanari got into the front office and started filling out her application and froze when she got to the address portion.

She didn't have anywhere to stay for the next two weeks, she had a small amount of money on her, but that was it.

Sakumo saw her hesitation and kneeled down next to her once again,"You don't have anywhere to live, Kanari?"

"Um, no sir." Kanari replied.

He smiled and took the clipboard from her and wrote his address down.

"You can stay with Kakashi and I until we figure something out for you." He gave her a warm smile.

Kanari smiled,"Thank you very much sir." She wanted to call him grandpa but she restrained herself.

"Call me Sakumo, dear." He ruffled the top of her head and turned in her application,"Kakashi why don't you show Kanari around the village? I've got a couple of things to take care of "

Kakashi shrugged his shoulders and put his hands in his pockets,"Ok, sure."

Sakumo walked away.

"Come on, Kanari." Kakashi gestured for her to follow.

He led her around the village, pointing out buildings and restaurants she already knew of, but she pretended to be excited when she saw them.

"Kakashi!" She heard a girl's voice call out to them.

Kakashi grabbed Kanari's wrist and pulled her towards the pastry cafe they were all sitting at,"Come on! You can meet some of the other academy students since you'll be starting tomorrow!" He said.

"O-okay." Kanari said.

"Kakashi who's this girl you're lugging around?" A boy with spiky black hair and orange goggles said with an annoyed tone.

"This is Kanari Harashi, she's new here, and she'll be starting at the academy with tomorrow." Kakashi said.

"Well I'm Obito Uchiha!" The goggled boy said,"And just so you know I'm the best in the class already!"

"You wish." Kakashi said rolling his eyes. They started arguing.

'Obito?' Kanari looked at Kakashi's classmates,'So then that girl with the purple makeup must be-'

"Hi! My name is Rin!" The girl stood in front of her pointing at her face as she introduced herself.

"Hi, Rin. You can call me Kana if you'd like." Kanari replied.

"Kana, that's so pretty! It'll be nice having another girl in the group. All these boys do is fight with each other." Rin said.

"AND I'M MIGHT GUY. COMING AT YOU WITH THE POWER OF YOUTH!" A kid with a shiny black bowl cut stood in front of Rin striking a dramatic pose giving her a thumbs up.

'U-uncle Guy?' Kanari was at a loss for words.

"We better get going Kanari, I should show you my house so you know the directions." Kakashi said.

Rin blushed,"Y-you're gonna be staying with Kakashi?"

"Yes?" Kanari replied not knowing why it was a big deal,"I didn't have any other place to stay so Sakumo offered it up."

Rin blushed even redder,"Oh I see. Guess you got lucky then, huh?"

Kanari finally understood,'Bleh, this Rin has a crush on my dad. Gross.'

Kakashi grabbed her wrist again and pulled her run away from the group,"Come on, Kana!"

Kanari waved to the group of academy students,"Bye! Nice meeting you all! I'll see you tomorrow!"

Kakashi led Kanari to his house, even though she already knew the directions.

It was odd, walking into her house, in a different era. She had lived in this house her entire life, she knew the layout, but acted oblivious while Kakashi gave her a tour.

"That's my room, that's my dad's room, and this one is the extra bedroom, you can sleep in here." Kakashi said pulling out an extra futon and rolling it out for her.

"Okay, thanks... Kakashi." Kanari felt really weird calling her dad by his first name. It almost felt illegal.

"No problem." He said calmly,"My dad will be home soon with food and then we'll just go to bed and head to school tomorrow."

Kanari smiled and nodded, this was going to be a weird two weeks.

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