Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 5

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Kakashi laid in the grass with Takeo snuggling under his arm, as they both looked up into the night sky at the stars above. Sakumo and Nozomi sat beside them.

He was feeling a large mix of emotions. On one hand, he was estatic that he ended up in this world with all of his loved ones that he had missed so much. People he thought about damn near everyday.

And to be reunited with Takeo brought him so much joy, more joy than he knew what to do with. He loved being able to get to know his son, the one he and Tsuki thought about everyday since he died over two years ago.

But ever since he gave up his residence in the land of the living, he was having trouble grappling with the fact that he wouldn't see Tsuki or the twins for a very, very long time.

That's unless they died young, which Kakashi didn't want that either. He wanted them to live happy and fulfilling lives. He wanted Tsuki to live as long as possible. He wanted her to live for her and for their children.

It finally hit him that he would have to go to bed tonight without the love of his life by his side, without knowing that his six year olds were tucked in and safe and sound in their rooms.

He had been reunited with his family in the afterlife, but he missed his family in the living world.

"Okay, come on, Takeo. It's past your bedtime. You've got to take your bath." Nozomi said bending down to pick him up.

He grabbed onto Kakashi's shirt and held on for dear life,"No grandma! I with daddy!"

"Mom, don't worry about it I can give Takeo his bath." Kakashi said lovingly,"You guys have been taking care of him this whole time."

"Nonsense, Kakashi. You can stay and talk to your father." Nozomi said, she could tell Kakashi was in deep thought and needed to vent, at least that her mother's intuition was telling her.

Kakashi sighed,"Fine.. Takeo, go with grandma, I'll be home in a little bit."

Takeo pouted but allowed Nozomi pick him up and take him back home.

Sakumo took a seat next to Kakashi in the grass.

"Tell me what's on your mind, son." Sakumo said.

Kakashi paused, he didn't know how to sum up his thoughts process.

"I fucking miss Tsuki, dad." Kakashi finally blurted out,"And Kai and Kana. Like, I miss them a lot. I don't want them to die, but I wish they were here with all of us."

"I bet you miss them, Kakashi." Sakumo sad,"Just like how we all missed you when we got here. You should ask your mother about how to cope. She went a while before I joined her here..."

"I just, feel so guilty for leaving my family behind. I'm a father! I have to provide for my family, how could I leave them on their own like that? My kids are gonna grow up without me. I'm not gonna see Kai or Kana become chunin or Jonin! I won't be there to scare the daylights out of whoever tries to take Kana out on her first date. I won't be there for either of them when they go through their first breakup. When they get married and have children of their own. I'm gonna miss out on all of that!" Kakashi said rubbing his temples.

"I felt the same way when I ended up here myself, Kakashi. But you died protecting your son, you know Tsuki would have done the same." Sakumo replied,"You should try to go see Tsuki tomorrow. I'm sure she'll be at your grave waiting for you." 

"I know, I promised Takeo I would take him to see her."

"I wouldn't take Takeo right away. Just because the first handful of times you go see her, she'll probably be crying and hysterical. Takeo shouldn't see him mom like that.."

Kakashi sighed,"God you're probably right, dad."

There was silence.

"I wonder if Tsuki's ever gonna remarry." Kakashi said as he clutched his chest, suddenly worried that his wife would find someone else,"Oh my god! Dad! What if she forgets about me and remarries!! What if the twins have a stepdad?!? Is he gonna adequately take care of them?! Oh God I hope he's a Shinobi at least so he can protect them."

Sakumo chuckled,"Kakashi, calm down! You barely got here today. And with the way you described you and Tsuki's relationship, I don't think you need to worry about that. Tsuki doesn't seem like the type of gal to get remarried. Just like I didn't after I lost your mother."

"Ugh, I guess you're right.."

"Let's go home, son. I'm sure Takeo is refusing to take his bath without you.."

Kakashi and Sakumo made their way back where Kakashi did in fact find Takeo, throwing a tantrum, refusing to take his bath.

In the spirit of not giving in to his tantrums, he convinced him to let Nozomi get him ready for bed.

Kakashi took his own shower, and prepped to sleep in the extra bedroom of his parents home in the afterlife.

Kakashi sat at the edge of the bed, mentally preparing himself to go to sleep without Tsuki's warmth next to him. He was struggling with the idea when a tiny shadow filled his doorframe.

"Daddy.. can I seep with you?" Takeo asked as he stood in the doorframe holding his stuffed froggy toy.

Kakashi smiled at him,"Of course, Takeo, come on over."

Takeo ran to him and Kakashi lifted him up and tucked him under the covers while Takeo snuggled up to his chest as tightly as possible.

"Wait! You have to tuck in froggy too!!" Takeo set his froggy toy next to Kakashi on his other side.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Mr. Froggy, please forgive my rudeness." Kakashi promptly tucked in the stuffed animal.

"Daddy, I wuv you and I happy you're here." Takeo said as his eyes started to shut.

"I love you too Takeo" Kakashi said scratching his son's scalp,"Close your eyes, bud.. it's time for sleep.."

He didn't have to tell him twice as Takeo fell fast asleep in his arms.

Kakashi's mind was still racing as he wrote a mental letter to Tsuki.

'Tsuki, I hope you're doing somewhat okay. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. I'm so sorry for leaving you and the kids behind, but I only did it to protect Kai. I love being here with Takeo and everyone else, but no matter what I still feel guilty. I love you and miss you and the twins so much and it's only been a day, at least for me it has. Please be safe, please take of yourself. I'm sorry I won't be there in the mornings anymore to make your tea. God, I guess it's too late to write a will or something, huh? But you know me, I'm always late to everything. Everything except death, huh? Sorry, bad joke Anyways, I'm gonna try to go see you tomorrow, my love.'

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