Kanari's Timeline Pt. 5

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"Thank you for everything you've done for me, Sakumo." Kanari told her grandfather,"I don't know where I'd be right now if you didn't take me in these past couple weeks.."

Kanari knew that today was the day.

It was raining outside.

She only had two days left in this era, and she was bracing herself for how horrible it was going to be.

"You're very welcome, Kana. It's been great having you here.." Sakumo replied casually.

'He seems so happy. I just don't get it!' Kanari thought to herself.

Kakashi stood after putting on his sandals by the front door when Sakumo knelt down beside him and hugged him

Kakashi eagerly hugged him back, not knowing it would be the final time.

"I'm so proud of you, son. You're going to do great today in your training with Lord Third." Sakumo said before standing and ruffling Kakashi head, making him close his eyes and smile.

It seems that every interaction Kanari watched between her grandfather and her dad mad her heart drop.

If only he knew what was going to happen today.

They broke off their last hug.

Kakashi took Kanari's hand and dragged her out the front door while he opened an umbrella to protect them from the rain.

Sakumo smiled and waved, Kanari felt like time slowed down.

She waved bye to her grandfather as he waved back and closed the door while her and Kakashi walked away.

It took every ounce of her willpower not to run back into the house and stop him.

She bit her lip as she fought back tears.

"Whoa, are you okay Kana?" Kakashi asked as he held the umbrella open over the two of them.

She composed herself,"Um yeah, I guess I'm just nervous about training today."

He put his arm around her to try and comfort someone who at this point he considered an adopted sister,"Don't worry! You're a great fighter! Even though we're genin now they're not gonna throw us into missions until they train us a little more since we don't have anyone to be on a genin team with yet."

"Yeah I guess you're right, Kakashi..." Kanari half-heartedly responded to her six year old father's encouraging words.

"Maybe you, me, and my dad can go out for an early dinner after training to cheer you up?" Kakashi suggested

'Crap.' Kanari knew she had to make this timeline play out so that no major changes were altered.

"A-actually I think Rin and I were going out to dinner together afterwards.." Kanari said quickly.

"Oh, well them maybe I can go with you and we'll bring food home for him?"

'Damnit dad! Stop making this harder than it needs to be!'

"No it's just supposed to be us girls. You can just go home after, I'm sure Lord Third is going to work us to the bone today."

Kakashi rolled his eyes and took his arms off her shoulder,"Ugh, girls. You can count me out."


As much as it pained her, she had avoided a crisis once again, for Kakashi needed to go home and discover his father's body to make this happen accordingly.

On the way into the training room at the academy Kakashi stopped on the side of the road and picked a flower from the flower bed in front of the school and innocently presented it to Kanari.

"What's this for?" Kanari asked, taking the flower from his hand.

"I don't know, to make you feel better?" Kakashi shrugged his shoulders, it really was just an innocent attempt to cheer Kanari up,"Girls like flowers, right?"

Kanari gave a pained smile, but luckily she made it look genuine,"Thank you Kakashi."

"Let's go inside before we catch a cold out here!" He shook off the umbrella and threw it into the umbrella box at the entrance to the school.

Kanari sighed, trying to enjoy these last few hours that her father would be an innocent, happy-go-lucky, and friendly kid before he experienced his first tragedy in life. After which, at least from what Kakashi would tell her back in her real timeline, would turn him into a bitter, angry, antisocial child, with tragedy after tragedy occurring as he lost every single one of his teammates and sensei.

He'd be a cold and bitter Shinobi all the way until he became a genin sensei to Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. And then even less nonchalant and gloomy when he met her mother and fell in love with her.

She was about to see in person the raw reality of the shit Kakashi experienced as a kid. And she was not emotionally prepared for it.

"Hey Rin. Why don't you, me, Kurenai, and Anko go out for an early dinner?" Kanari asked the group of girls.

Kanari felt weird for hanging out with her mom's friends in this alternate timeline.

"Sure, why not!" Rin said with her usual excited attitude. Rin genuinely liked Kanari as she got to know her and spend time with the her the past 12 days, but she couldn't help but ask,"I-is Kakashi coming with you?"

Kanari chuckled, she found it hilarious this girl was so obsessed with her dad.

At this point, Kanari had no idea that Kakashi would end up accidentally killing Rin later in life, she knew all of his teammates died, but he was rather reserved in telling her and Kai how they died. Naruto almost spilled the beans but he stopped himself before, feeling like that's something Kakashi himself should tell his own children if he found it appropriate.

"No, he's just going back to his house after training today." Kanari replied.

"Ok! We can make it a girls day!" Anko said beside her.

Kanari sighed as she walked out of the academy at the end of the day, turning onto the dirt road that led to the city portion of Konoha rather than the road that led to the Hatake residence.

She turned to look at the kid version of her father as he began to stroll home with his hands in his pocket, with his typical nonchalant look on his face. He caught a glimpse of Kanari giving her a closed eye smile and waving,"See you later, Kana!"

Kanari knew this had to happen, but she couldn't help but feel an enormous amount of guilt for sending her father to discover the gruesome sight on his own.

Unfortunately, she understands exactly how he's going to feel, she herself not only saw her father in the state of death, but she watched him get to that state. She saw the life leave his eyes.

It was a horrible feeling, one she wished her father never had to experience, but unfortunately he had to. She figured maybe she could provide him some comfort after the fact, as long as the heartbreak occurred then it wouldn't change the future.

But she would soon have to disappear from Kakashi's life in preparation for when the jutsu finally broke.

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