Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 1

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Tsuki's face became more and more blurry as his vision faded before he closed his eyes for the final time.

He felt like he was falling, in pitch black darkness. This was a different sensation than the first time he died during the Pain attack. This felt very...final. He had made peace with his father, with Obito, with Rin. There wasn't any unfinished business he needed to take care of before he could move on into the afterlife. 

His life, although cut short, was very fulfilled and happy.

But suddenly his eyes opened again. He felt lighter, like the weight of the world was off of his shoulders.

He looked around at the grassy fields in front of him that contained a few houses that resembled those that existed in the Konoha countryside just outside of the village. The place where many ninja retired and where the spirits of past ninja were said to live.

Guess those tales were true, since he ended up here in the afterlife.

'Oh Kai, Kana. Tsuki, I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me for leaving so soon.' He thought as he quickly realized he had entered the afterlife.

Everything had a glow to it. But not a spooky, eery glow, more ethereal. This world seemed peaceful and welcoming.

He looked around for any other signs of souls residing in this world with him but he saw none at the moment. So he decided to walk towards the houses in sight to see if anybody was home, anyone that may be able to guide him through what he was to expect of this world after leaving his family behind in the world of the living.

He approached a house that was calling to him and knocked on the door.

No answer.

He knocked again.

Still nothing.

He decided to go next door and approach the next house over when he heard commotion in the backyard.

He decided to walk back by the fence to see if there was anyone there to help him.

As he approached, the voices of whoever was back there grew louder.

"Oh my gosh, babe! That is not how you hang up a towel on the clothes line! Didn't your grandmother teach you better growing up?!" A female voice got louder and louder as he walked.

'Hey that voice sounds familiar' Kakashi thought as he racked his brain to think of who that was.

"I'm sorry! I don't normally do this type of stuff! You know me I'm hopeless!" A male voice replied.

Kakashi finally reached the waist high fence and looked into the backyard where the source of the noise was coming from.

He was shocked beyond belief,"Obito?! Rin?!"

The brown-haired girl and the Uchiha whipped their heads around,"Kakashi?!" They yelled in unison.

Kakashi hopped the fence and they all ran towards each other and group hugged.

Team 7 had reunited in the afterlife. He saw that they were wearing matching wedding bands.

"Kakashi, what happened?! You got old!" Rin said, still shocked.

"Old?! I'm only thirty-six!" Kakashi retaliated.

"Well old in comparison to when I last saw you!" She replied with a giggle.

"Kakashi! What are you doing here?!" Obito asked as he held onto his shoulder.

"Umm, I guess.....I died?" Kakashi replied, still confused as to exactly what was going on. Despite dying young, Rin looked the same age as him and Obito.

"Died? What about Tsuki...and the twins?Did the twins make it after the war?" Obito felt extreme guilt for nearly killing a pregnant Tsuki in a blind, misguided rage at the beginning the war. By the end when Obito died fighting Kaguya Otsutsuki, he had apologized to Kakashi, but he never found out if his wife and his twin babies had made it or not.

"Kakashi you had twins?! Who is Tsuki?!" Rin said excitedly, waiting to be filled in on the details as she looked over at her husband, Obito, whom she finally got to marry in the afterlife.

"Tsuki Hatake is my wife." Kakashi excitedly told her,"I got married Rin! And had twins! A boy named Kai and a girl named Kanari! And Obito, I became the Sixth Hokage! Just like you wanted me to!"

Kakashi was really hoping to make his former teammates and friends proud of his accomplishments in life.

"Congratulations Kakashi!" Rin said,"Do you have any pictures of them?!"

"Actually.." Kakashi felt his pockets, he always carried a picture of Tsuki and the kids on his person, as a good luck charm. He pulled out a photo, luckily the gods let him take this into the afterlife with him.

"Oh my god how cute! Your wife is gorgeous! And Kanari has your hair! And oh my god! Kai looks exactly like you!" Rin said looking at the picture with a beaming smile on her face.

"So they got your face carved up on the mountain and everything?!" Obito asked.

"Yup! Mask and all." Kakashi said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait, so how did you end up here, Kakashi?" Obito asked gesturing for him to come inside their little cottage.

Kakashi walked in and sat at the dining table with them.

"Well...." Kakashi began as he accepted a glass of water Rin handed him,"Six years passed after the war. And there was one problematic clan left after reconstruction. And they wanted me dead because I put a stop to black market Shinobi missions. And so....I was assassinated. I jumped in front of Kai to prevent him from getting killed. And I got killed instead, although that was their original plan in the first place."

Rin got sad,"Oh, I'm so sorry you had to leave your family behind, Kakashi. I'm sure it's not easy on any of you.."

"I know, I'm extremely worried about how Tsuki is gonna take it. I hope she can keep it together for the kids. But I wouldn't blame her if she broke down. I know I would if the roles were reversed." Kakashi said comfortably pulling his mask down and taking a sip of water.

"Well, tell me about the twins!" Obito said.

"Well, they're six years old now, but they had this special connection to these moonstones from Tsuki's native clan, the Kuraku. The original clan to possess the Chojougan eye, but Tsuki's father passed the trait onto the Hatake clan and so through a very long chain of events related to these moonstones, I ended up with one of Tsuki's eyes, so I traded in my Sharingan for the Chojougan. But the stones contained an immense amount of chakra it caused them to age twice as fast, although it had slowed down in recent years. They had just become Genin, and returned from their first mission with Naruto when I died. Kanari is so much like me, and Kai may look like me but he is so much like Tsuki... Maybe a little more.... How should I put this... Free-thinking.."

They all laughed.

"Aw, but he's a great kid.." Kakashi said.

"I wish I could have met Tsuki, she sounds great. I mean if she broke through to you, Kakashi she must be!" Rin said

"I met her briefly during the war. And although we only fought, she was a very strong Kunoichi and she quite literally defended Kakashi with her life. No hesitation. I wish I had the chance to apologize to her" Obito said.

"Yeah, Tsuki is... Amazing. Perfect even. She... she completely changed my life for the better, and she's such a good mother it's ridiculous. I never thought I could fall in love...so hard." Kakashi said, a blush forming on his cheeks,"And don't worry Obito, I let her know your change of heart when she woke up from the Infinite Tsukuyomi. She forgave you a long time ago." 

"Thanks, Kakashi." Obito smiled.

They heard footsteps as more figures approached the house that Kakashi originally tried to go into.

Rin gasped,"Kakashi! There's more important people here for you to meet than Obito and I! Let's head out the front door!"

Kakashi quickly walked out the front door, curious as to who Rin could be referring to.

But as soon as he caught sight of them, the glass of water he had in his hand fell to the floor and shattered.

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