Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 3

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"Minato-sensei?! Kushina?!" Kakashi was floored once again, his loud shocked tone woke up the sleeping Takeo in his arms.

"Nnhm." Takeo rubbed his eyes and looked at the red and yellow haired couple in the doorway. His face lit up as he practically jumped out of Kakashi's arms into Kushina's,"Kushie! Mina!" He said excitedly.

"Hey little buddy!" Minato ruffled Takeo's hair,"Finally got to meet your dad I see!"

"Muah muah muah muah!" Kushina planted kisses all over his face, making him giggle.

"Sakumo!" Minato waved into the doorway,"Mind if we come in?"

"Come on in, guys!" Sakumo replied.

Kushina walked in with Takeo in her arms. Kakashi was just frozen in place, Minato hugged him.

It took him a second, but Kakashi hugged his sensei back. He was so happy to see him again.

"It's been a while, Kakashi." Minato said.

Kakashi sniffled in again,"I don't think I've ever cried this much before Minato-sensei. There's so much I want to tell you.."

"Ehh, don't cry, we've got eternity to talk.." he reached up to ruffle Kakashi's hair and stepped inside the door.

Kakashi sat on the couch next to Kushina while Minato took a seat on her other side.

"Obito and Rin told us you had arrived, so we came over as quickly as we could." Kushina said while Takeo played with her hair,"How's Naruto? How is your wife?! Please please please tell me you have a picture of her, I have to see who made such a cute baby, ya know? Minato said during the war she was badly injured when she was pregnant with twins, are they okay?! Oh my god, Kakashi! I haven't seen you since I was pregnant with Naruto! Wha-"

"Whoa, slow down Kushina.." Minato put a hand on her shoulder,"Kakashi's probably very overwhelmed, he barely got here."

Kakashi was still in shock but he blurted out his answers to every one of Kushina's questions,"My wife, her name is Tsuki, was doing fantastic, at least the last time I saw her since I came here. We're both about to turn thirty-seven. She survived her injuries and the twins survived, a boy and a girl!" He pulled out his picture once again as he recounted his story for the third time,"That's Kai and that's Kanari, they're about to turn seven! They inherited Tsuki's kekkai genkai and they're so strong and smart. Naruto is doing amazing Kushina, he's married! He married Hinata Hyuga, the heir to the clan and they have a son named Boruto, he's already three years old! He's actually my kids' genin leader. Naruto is....not Boruto."

Kakashi would happily repeat his story as many times as necessary. He was proud of his life and of his family.

"I-I'm a grandma?!" Kushina said,"Oh my god, Minato! We're old, ya know!"

"Calm down, we're not old Kushina. We age very slowly in this realm." Minato chuckled,"Kakashi your family is beautiful."

"Yes! You all look so good in this photo!" Kushina said,"I'm sorry that you two lost Takeo, but I have to say it's nice having a baby around since I never got a chance to raise Naruto."

Kakashi smiled as his brows furrowed in pure joy, this was the biggest reunion he'd ever experienced. He wished this was the land of the living, so he could experience all of this with Tsuki and the twins by his side.

"Minato!" Sakumo said from the kitchen,"Guess what Kakashi did!"

Minato looked back,"What's that?"

"He became the Sixth Hokage!" Sakumo was still proud of his son for leading the Village he found so precious.

"Oh gosh, dad." Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck

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