chapter 18.

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"Kerna" a voice that sounded so much like my mother's voice said  from behind me forcing us apart

"Mom" I exclaimed pushing away from Adrian.

"I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean to interrupt, Em said she saw you walk this way." she explained and I nodded because thats the only response my brain can come up with right now

I quickly stood up and so did Adrian, the look on my mother's face showed that she just noticed Adrian but she covers it Immediately.

"Won't you introduce your friend" mom asked
I took a deep breath to calm my senses before answering

"Mom this is my friend Adrian, Adrian my mother"

"Nice to meet you Mrs Trills"

"Please call me katherine" she says and he nods

"Darling, can I speak with you for a minute"

"Sure" I reply and walk with her until we are far enough, she looks at me waiting for an explanation.

"He just a friend" I say

"He looks just like him" she says with a confused look and I nodded

"Are they related" she asks

"No" and she nods

"Do you know what you are doing" she asks but I don't answer. She lets out a breath then holds my face.

"Please be careful my child, I don't want to see you hurt again. We will talk about this better at home, make sure you find your sister and know where she is, I'm leaving"

"Sure" I nod

I stood there for sometime gathering my thoughts before heading back to Adrian.

He smiled when he saw me
"Wanna get a drink" he asked

"Yeah" I reply and we headed back to the bar in absolutely silence, I want to say something I really do.

"I came up with some steps we can add to our choreography"

"Oh really"

"Yeah, it's nothing much, I could show you"

I smiled and nodded.

To avoid further awkwardness I decided to find kelis and he suggested helping so we spent the next twenty something minutes looking for kelis.

We found kelis with Chris and when she saw Adrian she did not make effort to hide her surprise.

"Oh my heavens, he_ he how?"

Then I had to drag her away and then tell Adrian I would see him later.

Kelis didn't stop questioning me not  until I yelled at her which I hardly ever do so she new I was serious and shut the fuck up.

Now I'm seated in the mist of my mother and sister and they are both giving me the you_better_explain look.

I take a numerous amount of deep breaths and sigh. Then I stare right back at them then I sigh again.

"Fine I'll answer your questions"

"We're did you find him"
"Are they related "
"Are you dating him"
"Where did he get that accent"
"Is he British"
"Did you find a witch to reincarnated him but then he went with a family in Britain and has now found his way back to you"

The last one was kelis.

"Guys slow down" I exclaimed with a glare

"You guys are crazy"

"No you the one who is dating a reincarnation of your dead ex, what if he's back for revenge" kelis states
And I slap my head and sigh. I'm beginning to see why kelis and Megan get along so well.

"Firstly, there is no such thing as reincarnations kelis. And second I'm not dating him we are just friends." I reply

''do you make out with all your friends" Mom accuse

"Well not often" I mutter

"Wait hold up you caught them making out" kelis screams, okay she is way too excited about this for my liking.

"Yes you should have seen them 18+ stuff" Mom replies

"Mom!" I exclaim, sometimes i wonder if she's even  my Mom or kelis' twin.

"K, I want to know everything, how you met him, everything, start talking" kelis orders and I roll my eyes.

  As much as I did not want to say a thing I know this people, they wouldn't mind using torture to get what they want.

"I first met him at a party but I didn't notice his face then because it was dark, I saw him again when he was introduce my choreography class."

"Wait what's his full name"

"Adrian Damano"

"You mean the Damano as in British billionaire Damano"

"Yes that Damano"

"Okay so tell us every thing"

The next five minutes I spend telling them every thing I know about Adrian.

When I was done Mom told me to be careful so I don't hurt myself. Kelis said something about it being my second chance to love and therefore I should keep him. Lot of bullshit if you ask me.

My mind is set and I'm certain, the only reason I'm even talking to Adrian is for closure. I don't plan to fall for him not now not ever.

  After our chat be Mom decided only then to tell me that tomorrow is our get together which means the whole family is coming here to our house.

  Oh there is nothing wrong with them it's just me. My dad's parents don't like the fact that my mom has no male child and on top of that I have no interest in the family business. They feel the company is going to start crashing soon.

Well, they are wrong. Mom Has always been the brain behind the company's success, my dad was good but he was no businessman he was a good father, good husband and good boss.

Most of the best ideas were mom's and I'm sure they know that but they are too stuck up and genderlized acknowledge it.

Before my Mom married my dad,  she was know as the garden's beauty. Tom Gardens my grandfather has five children four boys and my Mom the last born and only daughter was the pearl.

  She met my dad, they fell in love got married, whatever. point is her family are even more stuck up than my dad's

Well can't wait for tomorrow. Yeepee .


Hey loves!

I've run out of random thoughts.

But important announcements

Please check out my book

Loved and lost .


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