
816 7 1

Tagged by ShootingfortheSun (I couldn't tag em')
I'm just going to update when Tagged so leave the fic cause Ik that's boring for you-

1.) Things you cannot leave the house without?
Phone and Money
Phone cause when emergency I can call the police immediately and Money cause- Ofc I need

2.) Favorite Brand of Makeup?
I don't put on makeup

3.) Favorite Flowers?
Maybe Roses and Poppies

4.) Favorite Clothing Stores?
I do not know

5.) Favorite Perfume?
Perfume makes me dizzy, I don't like it

6.) Heels or Flats?
Flats but I don't mind wearing Heels

7.) Do you make Good Grades?
No, I am currently failing so I don't think I make Good Grades

8.) Favorite Colors?
Purple, Blue and Green

9.) Do you drink Energy Drinks?

10.) Do you drink Juice?
Of course I do!

11.) Do you like swimming?
No, Not at all
I don't know how to swim and my brother has a tendency of trying to drown me

12.) Do you eat fries with a fork?

13.) What's your favorite moisturizer?
I don't know?

14.) Do you want to be married later on in life?
Nope, Not at all

15.) Do you get mad easily?
Idk..? I laugh when im mad or sad so even I myself don't know if I'm feeling those emotions at all

16.) Are you into Ghost Hunting?
Watching it? Yes but Doing it? No
I'm scared of disturbing the ghosts and get haunted for the rest of my life

17.) Any Phobias?
Fear of the Ocean
Fear of being Judged
Fear of being Trapped
Fear of loud noises
Fear of making a speech
Im way too lazy to search up what they're called

18.) Do you bite your nails?
Yep, Very often actually

19.) Have you ever had a near death experience?
I got stuck in the middle of a deep pool and I couldn't swim so I almost drowned, Some second or minutes passed and I got saved

20.) Do you drink Coffee?
Of course I do! I love coffee and I drink it every morning

Now I think I'm supposed to tag people?


5 Random people i follow- (I think)
You don't have to do it if you don't want to!

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