A Jealous Yandere

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Requested by Olive_Goodson

Ships: Seek x Colin
Series: OriginZ
Warnings: Colin going yandere
Characters Used: Seek, Colin and Marshie

Keep in mind that the zombie apocalypse is almost over

Am i also loosing titles and i don't know what to name the chapters now? Yes, Yes i am-


Marshie's POV
"So Seek! How long have you and Colin been dating? You two have said that you did had a secret relationship and im quite interested on when that relationship started" I smirked as a hint of pink dust of blush covered his cheeks

"Well.. I think 3 months by now?.. I don't really know" He shrugged as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly "Hm.. Alright well.. You wanna go eat or something? I heard that a mall is opening for survivers and now is the time Devin's money can be useful!" I smiled

"Sure, I got nothing else to do so why not?" I could see a smile beneath his green mask as both of us walked outside towards one of the opening malls

It was still under construction but the left side of the mall was finished so people can visit there

We walked inside a cafe to be greeted by a blacked haired female with green emerald eyes "Hello! Welcome to The Moku Cafe!" She smiled, We looked around only to notice that the cafe was designed after Moku, A Polynesian Island

"Two seats?" Both of us nodded as she led us towards a two seat table "What would you two like?" She gave us a menu as we both read it "Would you two also like to check the couple's menu?"

"Wait- No- no- no- We're just friends! We're uh.. not dating!" Both of us said immediately as her eyes widen "Oh oops.. Sorry!" She apologized "Its fine" She nodded "What may you two like?"

"***" "***" We ordered as she nodded before walking away and mumbling something along the lines of 'I swear, Im only doing this job here in this dimension because im forced to! Im supposed to be having fun and playing with animals right now!' She mumbled "I just wish that Colin isn't in Yandere Mode right now to go and hunt for me" I said as i looked around immediately for Colin

"I wish too" As both of us chatted a girl with orangey hair and green eyes walked towards us as she gave us our food "Enjoy your meal!" She smiled "Celine!" A girl with black hair, blue and red eyes with a panda hat whispered shouted for her as the orange haired girl ran towards her

As both of us chatted while eating, We hadn't notice somebody in particular watching us and giving me a cold harsh death glare

"Hi guys!" Colin greeted walking over to us "Oh Hi Colin" Seek smiled since his mask was pulled down to let him eat as i just waved at him smiling

"Hey Marshie, Can i talk to you for a bit?" He asked looking over at me as i shrugged "Sure" I stood up as both of us walked away leaving Seek inside the cafe

"So.. What do you-" I cut myself off feeling Colin glaring daggers at me as he was also holding out a crow bar

"Try anything with Seek, I dare you"

Yay.. He's in his Yandere mode and im the rival that he might kill

"Me and Seek are just friends! Of course I won't try anything!"

"Yeah sure.. Whatever you say Marshie.. Now take this as a warning.. Even dare try to steal Seek away from me, I will rip you into shreds and make sure nobody finds your body, Got that?"


"Good!" He smiled "Have fun with yours and Seek's hang out!"He walked away as i was left terrified and scared

"I.. I don't wanna go near Seek or Colin now.." I mumbled as i walked back towards the cafe, sitting down at my seat

"H..Hi Seek" I greeted "You alright?"He raised an eyebrow at me confused "Yep! Definitely! I just.. Uh.. Colin said to help me find a perfect design pillow and we found a pillow design that is cursed" I came up with a lie

"I don't even wanna ask what was on the Pillow" I nodded my head as i got back to eating and Yeah.. Colin was still watching us since i could feel the cold harsh death glare he was giving me but Seek still doesn't know

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