A Lovable Sight [ 1 ]

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Origins of Olympus, Happy Ending

Ships -
Bryan x Inpu
Bri x Apollo, Austin (I can't really see Pele, Austin and Bri getting together because they have they're big differences and i don't think Pele, Austin will fall in love with his brother's (ex) girlfriend at all, I don't even think he has any interest in dating Bri after he joined Kai's side)
Mario x Kay
Riccaro x Momiji
Ritchie x Michael (Yes, They are alive and you'll see how)

Type -

Im being honest right now, There is SO going to be like atleast two chapters for OoO, One chapter for SNO and two or one for FTO

You can see how much i have so many ideas for OoO but has such low ideas on SNO and FTO cause all things that are around is probably family moments- And yeahh- I really should just make a book about month and holiday stuff cause this book might get full with all of these month stuff and Im also going to try and write in a different way

What a lovely sight there is in the Demigods Camp called Camp Oasis! Evil is all gone! Redemptions from villains are happening! And many more! Lets go see what each Pantheon is up to, Shall we?

"Ba Ba Ba~ Every little thing you do, I do adore~"

Momiji opened her eyes seeing Xylo, Cal and Riccaro watching her sing her song as Xylo and Cal was smirking while Riccaro was blushing

Momiji's eyes widened before blushing like crazy

"D-Did you three hear the full song?!"

Cal and Xylo nodded

"Yep, Nice singing Momiji and im guessing its for a special someone"

Xylo pat Riccaro's back as Riccaro and Momiji blushed more

"W-Wha?! I mean- It was for Riccaro! But- Where did you three come from?! This is my house! Did you three break in?!"

"We were just time traveling and once we got back, we appeared outside of your house so we decided to walk in to greet you only to see that you were singing"

Cal shrugged as Momiji blushed in embarrassment

"Oh Gosh.. Well uh.. Alright!.. Can you and Xylo please get out?"

Xylo and Cal looked at each other shrugging

"Wanna go cause chaos in Divinus Magia and blame it on Lucas and Lo'pho?"

"Of course i do!"

Xylo and Cal shared a devilish grin as they teleport away

"Riccaro? You alright there Sweetheart?"

Momiji walked over to Riccaro who was hiding his face still blushing

"Y-Yeah im fine Momiji, Don't worry about it"

Riccaro uncovered his face as he smiled at her with the blush never leaving his face

"Well alright! Uh.. Do you wanna go and have a small picnic outside?"

Riccaro cheerfully smiled, nodding

"Of course!"

Momiji giggled at Riccaro's enthusiasm before both of them walked outside, having a picnic beneath a beautiful Sakura tree near a river fountain filled with fishes, frogs and other harmless sea animals


The Son of Kāne, Seek sat beneath a tree in the forest outside of Camp Oasis, He had spot a baby deer outside of camp while walking around and he was worried of where the deer's mom is

He didn't want to be seen heartless and since it was in his nature to take care of animals, He had gotten food for the baby deer and sneaked outside to feed it

Of course he had forgotten about the necklace that basically means that somebody was with him, it was a necklace that has an Ares, The God of War symbol on it

Why was he wearing it? Well he wasn't really the only one who wears necklace like that

Mikael has an Athena necklace
Austin has a Apollo necklace
Colin and Riccaro has a Hermes necklace
And Seek has an Ares necklace

They only wear them because of a reviving spell Xylo had casted, It was to revive those people they had loved and he had notice that he couldn't fully do that so he tried attaching they're souls to others and Mikael, Seek, Riccaro, Austin and Colin had volunteered since now knowing they're personalities and such they decided that they'll be in good terms with them

Some of them also have the same names so The Son of Pele, Austin was nicknamed as Keegan or Magma, The Son of Kāne, Seek was nicknamed as Hyacinth or Nature and The Son of Milu/Maui, Colin was nicknamed as Noelani or Ocean

(Keegan translates to The Son of Fire
Hyacinth translates to Bulbous and Fragrant Flowers
Noelani translates to Mist of Heaven
If anybody is wondering and i had gotten this nicknames/names from Google/Chrome so its not my fault if its wrong-)

"Hyacinth! You know were not supposed to be out here, Especially this far away from Camp Oasis!"

The Son of Ares, Seek appeared beside Seek/Hyacinth, Worry shown in his eyes as Hyacinth sighed

"We'll be fine, Come on! This nature outside is beautiful too! And Aren't you the Son of Ares? Your supposed to be break rules!"

Seek looked anxious and Hyacinth had noticed it as he sighed, standing up and walking over to him

"Don't worry, We'll be fine! I know that your worried that we're going to get in trouble and all but when they know that we go outside for a good reason then we're not really going to be in trouble! Plus, The Animals need feeding here and nobody takes care of them, I don't want to leave this precious animals die of starvation or to any other stuff.."

Hyacinth looked over at the other animals who had joined in on eating the food laid onto a large leaf as he smiled at the sight, Seek sighed

"Fine just for the animals alright?"

Hyacinth smiled as he walked over to the animals with Seek following

"Hey there little guy"

Seek greeted at the squirrel who jumped onto his head as it ate a nut

Both Seek and Hyacinth spent they're whole day taking care of the animals


Do you guys want me to write this way or the other one?

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