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Requested by DragonLady150

Ships:Viper x Kay
Series: Fairy Tail Origins
Characters Used: Viper, Kay and Nix
Trigger Warning: Blood and Hallucinations/Hypnotism(?)

So uh- I kinda- didn't do the jealous part and made Viper just he protective- That's the same of what will he do when jealous- right?- Sorry if it isn't what you wanted!


Kay's POV
As i skipped towards my bakery since i had just finished running errands to grab some Flour, Sugar, Caramel and other things

I pulled out my keys and opened the door as i see Nix sitting at a counter top, I put the bags at a chair

"Oh, Hi Nix! Uhm.. How did you get in?.. The door was locked?"

I asked tilting my head in confusion

"Oh! Miss Kay! There you are, I've been looking all around for you!" He jumped down as he walked towards me with a smile

"Oh! You have? Did you want some cookies? Well uh.. If you do then sorry but i have to make them first!"

My mind is telling me to run and scream for Viper for some reason..

"Oh! Im not here for cookies actually.. Im just here to talk to you.." He took a few steps closer to me with a big grin plastered onto his face

"Eh.. Uhm.. What do you need to talk about?.." I took a few steps back as the urge to run and scream for Viper to help me was beginning to grow

The grin on his face widened as his eyes darkened showing pure craziness and bloodlust, his skin tone slowly changed to a light purple color as horns grew out of his head

"Er.. Uhm.. N-Nix?.." I kept backing away only for him to take a step forward each time as his form changes to a demon

I backed away further only for me to hit the wall, He stood infront of me pinning me to the wall as i had no way of escaping except fight or just push him and run

"P.. Please don't hurt me.. Im your friend.. R.. Right?.. and uh.. I.. I won't tell anyone that your a demon!.. I..I promise!.."I said nervously as his grin dropped, I thought he was going to let me go but i was very wrong as a smirk formed into his face

"Oh.. Miss Kay.. Do you think i will waste this moment?! I've been waiting for the time i could finally kill somebody!" He pulled out his sword as he brought it upon my neck ready to cut my head

Both of us heard a knock on the door as he looked at me glaring before he changed back to his normal form as he hid his sword, He unpinned me to the wall "Say anything about that and i will make sure everybody in The Protectors Guild are all burned to ashes" He gave me a death glare as i nodded still shaking

He sat down at a chair smiling as i walked towards the door opening it to see Viper "H-Hi Viper!" I stuttered as i still shaked in fear "Hi, Uh.." He noticed my shaking and stutters

"Are you alright?" I nodded "Of course! Of course im fine!" I formed a fake smile onto my face as i could feel Viper looking at me suspiciously through the blindfold

"Uhm.. Do you want some cookies?" I looked at him with eyes that screams 'Help' or 'Im in danger'

Viper didn't seem to get the hint first before finally getting it "Oh.. Uh.. Sure..?" He said in a more questionable tone as i let him inside before closing the door once he was inside

"Oh hi there Viper" Nix greeted as Viper's head snapped towards Nix's direction "Oh.. Its you.." He grumbled something under his breath "What did you say? I seemed like i didn't hear you" He asked

"Its nothing, Now can you get out? I need to talk to Kay.. She needs to.. train me.." Nix nodded "Alright then!" He stood up as he opened to door to get out but before he does, He looks at me with a glare before walking outside "B-Bye!" I waved

Once the door shut Viper looked at me "What did Nix do?" He sat down at a chair "Well uh.. He.. Nothing!.. He did nothing!.." I let out an awkward giggle "Your ly-"

"Heres some cookie dough that has chocolate chips on it, Its very delicous i promise! and bye!" I gave him a basket of cookie dough as i shoved him outside

Once he was out and i could hear footsteps fading a way, I looked around the room to see that everything has slowly turned into a big purple and black like circles, It was a thing used for hypnotism-

Wait.. I looked away only to see that i can't move "W-Wait.. Viper?! Come back! Please! HELP ME!" I screamed for help but nobody was hearing it as i was stuck watching it

~ Time skip to the next day brought to you by Monty, Cal and Jakey stuck in time ~

Viper's POV
I was worried for Kay after the whole entire thing yesterday so i had to come visit her

The door opened revealing the cookie girl herself, Kayla or Kay for short, She had a smile on her face as her.. eyes seemed off.. Maybe its just my eyes playing tricks on me..

"Hi Viper! Do you need anything?"She asked in her bright and cheery voice "Uh.. Are you alright?.."She tilted her head in confusion "Of course im alright! What do you mean?" Her eyes shined.. Purple..

My eyes beneath the blindfold widened as i took her hand before running inside "Viper what are you doing?!" She asked confused, I saw Nix sitting down at the counter

"You idiotic demon! What the hell did you do to Kay?!" I shouted as he looked at me "Oh i did nothing~.."He said smirking, I let go off Kay's hand as i stood her behind me before taking out my sword and putting myself in a defensive position

"Tell. Me.. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TO KAY?!" Kay flinched at my yelling as i turned into my Dragon Force form

He laughed "I didn't thought you care about Kay that much.."He stood up from the counter as he turned into his demonic true self

"I care for her of course! She's the person i l-" I cut myself off as i shook my head " She's a person close to me!" I shouted "Alright then.. Lets start this battle.. But since i don't wanna cause a mess in Kay's bakery.. Lets go here.."

He teleported us in the middle of nowhere in the woods "V-Viper?! N-Nix?! What's happening?!" Kay shouted confused as i sighed "Go there" I pointed at a top of a tree "But-" "Go" I demanded as she turns into a fox before running there

I looked over at Nix with a death glare "Ready to meet your fate you Bloodlustic demon?" He smirked "Tch.. Its actually.. Are you ready to meet your demise Viper or should i call you Mitch?.."

The Battle lasted for 3 full hours with both of us wounded

I stood infront of Nix who was sitting on his knees panting heavily, I had my sword up at his neck ready to end his life

"You win this time.. But you'll never kill me.." He teleported away as i growled, Kay ran over at me her eyes now normal

"Viper! Oh my gosh your wounded and bleeding! Lets go home! Im going to patch you up!" She took my hand dragging me towards her house probably

I was already tired of how much magic i had used as i felt my eyelids closing "Sleep well Viper.."I could hear the soft voice of Kay say before all i could see was darkness


The other two are still in working process since they are pretty long and i decided to put both of them together so the one who requested the Ritchie angst and Jupiter x Lucas, Hope you two don't mind!

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