No one hurts my son

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Requested by SL7892

Family Moments: Father and Son moment between Allumos and Jericho
Series: Fairy Tail Origins
Characters Used: Allumos, Jericho and two other characters that's going to stay unknown
Warnings: Cussing


Jericho's POV
I look around the mission board picking which mission i should do or well, which target i should kill

"Well Hello Jericho"I heard the voice of Allumos greeting, I spun around to see him "Oh! Greetings Master Allumos!" I greeted smiling

"I see that your picking a mission?" I nodded "Yep, I don't really know which target to kill, Do you know which target is the one who had done many crimes and is pretty dangerous?" Allumos thought for a second before nodding "I do, But that target has a partner in crime, Both of them are a duo.. Do you wanna join me with the mission?"

I nodded "Of course!"I smiled "Well come on, Lets go"

*Time skip*

We stood infront of an abandoned town "Is this where they live?.."I asked in a hush tone knowing that they might be listening to us "Yep.. Be careful, They're pretty sneaky.."We pulled out our weapons as we crouched down looking for then

"Show yourselves! We know your here!" Allumos shouted as we heard a twig snap, We looked over at that direction to see a swarm of bees ready to sting us "Uh oh.." "Run!" Both of us ran as arrows kept getting shot at us and the bees were still trying to sting us

Once i got to a river the bee's had stopped and i realized that Allumos wasn't there with me anymore.. I looked around as i panted for air worried for Da- Allumos

"Well hello there.. I could see you have somehow angered my bees.." I could hear a male greet me from behind

I looked behind to see a dirty blonde haired male with blue eyes, he wore a lime shirt with a dark green jacket on, he wore jeans and a small bee pin, Odd thing about him is that he looks like he's around the age of 16-18 he was even smiling innocently causing me to get creeped out

"Uh.. Oh hi kid.. What's your name?" i asked "Oh.. Im sorry but i can't tell you what my name is.. But.. I can say is that.. Good night.."I looked at him confused before my eyes widened as i ducked down

I looked up to see a male with blonde hair, blue eyes wearing a red and white shirt has tried stabbing me from behind, he had the same bee pin and he also looked like he's around the age of 16-18

"Oh.. You seem more smarter than our past victims.." He said "But you stand nothing against us.. Do you wanna take the kill ****?" The blonde male ask as the dirty blonde male walked over to me pulling out a knife and ready to swung at me, bees were surrounding us making me unable to escape

As he was about to swing at me a purple beam shot him towards a tree "****?!" The bees flied towards the dirty blonde male as the blonde male and I looked over to see Allumos

"YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH! NO ONE HURTS ****!" The blonde male ran towards Allumos attacking him as Allumos dodged before sending him flying to a tree

"No one hurts my son either.." Allumos said glaring at both of them as he look at me before looking back at them, I took out my sword and walked towards them "Any last words?.." I ask, Even if they did hurt me i don't really wanna kill them

"Kill me.. Just don't fucking kill him.." The blonde male said "What?! No! Kill me! Don't kill him!" The other denied, They seemed to be close to each other like brothers.. I looked over at Allumos not wanting to hurt them as he sighed

"You two are just going to jail which you are lucky for.." Both of them looked at us shocked "Wait.. Your not going to kill us?.."Dirty Blonde hair male said in shock as both of us nodded

We put them into hand cuffs as we walked towards the boat which sailed to Atlantide and we finally put them both into they're jail cell

I looked over at Allumos "So uh.. What do you mean by 'Don't hurt my son'?.." He looked at me surprised "You heard me?.." I nodded "Well uh.. You see.. I kinda.." I laughed "Its alright, I understand that you don't know how to explain it, I understand what you meant"

He let out a sigh of relief "Oh thank you i didn't have to explain.." I laughed


Do you know who the criminals are?-

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