An Overprotective Father

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Requested by darklordoftheships

Im being honest right now, whenever i try to tag names that are long i always get kicked out of the chapter and it deletes the chapter immediately- What is happening?

I don't know if Jackson, Colin, Marcus and Seek have met Bri in the series but if they did then sorry not sorry since im going to be introducing them together again-

Ships:Mention of Austin x Bri
Warning:A Moment between Mitch and Bri that is very adorable

3rd Person POV
After the Wild Hunt Madness, Jackson had announced a party for the vampires. Mitch took that as an opportunity to introduce his daughter, Bri to the other vampires still not knowing that her daughter now has a boyfriend

"So Mitch, Who is this person your going to introduce to us?"Colin asked taking a sip of wine "She's going to be here just wait"A few seconds later they could see a bat fly in the castle and landed next to Mitch, The Bat morphed into a girl who is named Bri

"Oh hi there"Jackson waved "Hey" Colin waved at the table taking another sip "Sup" Seek greeted sitting down next to Colin "Hello!"Marcus's head popped up from the room corner "Erm.. Hey.."Bri slowly waved

She wasn't the type of person to be nervous on meeting people but she remembers that she was apart of ruining the blood volt and also stealing some stuff making her nervous that they would tell Mitch to just abandon her for what she had done

"Well guys this is Bri, My daughter" Mitch introduced her to them "YES! I can finally be referred to as an uncle!!"Jackson grinned and shouted in full happiness making Bri flinched in surprise "You weren't referred to as an uncle before..?"Bri asked shifting behind Mitch slightly nervous

"Nope! Whenever i tell people im an uncle they would always ask where is Mitch's child and since you were missing i didn't have evidence so people believe i was lying" Jackson explained "Oh alright!.. Erm.. Uh.. Can i ask a question..?"Bri went behind Mitch now nervous

"Is she alright?"Marcus asked now sitting beside Colin and Seek "I don't know.."Mitch looked behind facing Bri "You alright? what's wrong?"He whispered worriedly. Bri pulled Mitch to another room leaving the other Vampires confused

"Welp, Lets get this party started before Mitch comes in!"Jackson pulled a mic that was tied to a string that was somewhat glued to the ceiling, Colin and Seek jumped up from they're seats taking out some alcohol bottles and dancing to Jackson singing 'Dance Monkey'. Marcus watched them to make sure that they don't pass out and don't do anything TOO crazy

In the other room which is more like a hallway Mitch and Bri were having a conversation "What's wrong?" Mitch asked looking at Bri confused and worried "What would they think if i told them i was apart of the wild hunt?! i was apart of killing Mev?! I was apart of ruining the blood volt?! I was apart of stealing stuff?!"She panicked

Mitch listened to her as he sighed "Bri.. They are forgiving and you also need a second chance and so does your pack, if it weren't for you then we would have all still be dead right now, The past is the past and your past doesn't define who you are right now, the only thing that matters is that you changed for the better"

Bri listened to him as tears formed in her eyes, she bit her lip trying not to let out sobs as Mitch pulled her into a hug. Bri cried into his chest feeling comfort and protected in the hug "Shh.. Its alright.. Let it out.."Mitch patted her back as sobs echoed the empty hallway

"T..Thanks.. Dad.."Bri pulled away wiping down the remaining tears "Your welcome.. Its what dads are for.."Bri smiled as she pulled him into another hug, A loud thump coming from the room the other vampires were at interrupting they're moment

"That's the sign that chaos is happening"Mitch sighed as Bri giggled, Both of them walked towards the other room to see Seek laying on the ground, holding his head, holding a mic and an alcohol bottle, He probably fell off and that's where the loud thump came from

Colin and Jackson swinging on the chandelier with mics singing 'Chandelier' while drinking a bottle every time they sing '1 2 3 drink' and Marcus wrapped in bubble wrap in a corner with a sign saying 'PROTECT THE BEAN!'

"WE WERE GONE FOR 30 MINUTES AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS?!"Mitch shouted as Bri was trying to hold back a laugh "Oh hi Mitch!"Jackson jumped off the chandelier as Mitch sighed "What happened?" "Bri! Can you please help me?"Marcus yelled out trying to wiggle out of the bubble wrap

"Sure"Bri walked over helping Marcus break free from the bubble wrap as Mitch talked to the other three, A few minutes later of Mitch talking to the three. Colin got bored "LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!"He yelled out with a grin as Mitch sighed knowing he can't stop them

Once they got into a circle the game has started, Bri couldn't help but admit that she was having fun until it was her turn to get asked and it was by Seek "Truth?.."Bri answered questionably "Do you have a lover? if so then who is this special someone?"Seek smirked as Mitch looked over at Bri to make sure she didn't have any lover

Unfortunately Bri does and she was nervous to say it "Well uh.. I have been going on dates with somebody.."She answered shocking everybody in the room "Oooh!~ Who?!"Jackson grinned "Austin..?"She answered blushing "Aww!"Seek and Marcus awed as Colin and Jackson smirked

"So he's your boyfriend?"Mitch asked, Bri knew that Mitch doesn't fully trust Austin so hearing that his daughter has him as her boyfriend is an absolute shock "Yeah..?"Mitch took a deep breath forming a soft smile onto his face "Alright!"Even though he was smiling he was definitely going to go and "talk" to Austin after the party

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