New World?

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Requested by Unicorns522671

Ships: Plant x Daisy

I don't know if i should put this as a friend relationship or a real relationship but since both of them can't really talk much to express each other's feelings, I'll have to make them friends sorry if you want it to be a ship

3rd Person POV
Plant sat down at David's garden alone since David had said he was going to go and get some seeds leaving Plant alone at the garden, Plant was pretty bored the whole entire time as they're only way to break through the boredom was to walk around David's Garden

Plant looked at the glass door that seperates David's inside garden to the outside garden, David told Plant to not go outside without him since it might be dangerous but Plant was really bored so they walked outside

Plant smiled at the bees flying around as they jumped in joy as they kept playing with the bees

Meanwhile in another place, Daisy was sitting on the flower pot obviously bored, Mario was training and Kay was having a meeting with other counselors so it was obviously boring

Daisy felt her flower pot get picked up by the wind as she panicked, A blue and purple like portal opened up as she yelped once she got pulled in

As Plant played with the bees a white and gold like portal opened up, Plant backed away scared as bees started flying away. Daisy got thrown out of the portal but luckily Plant had caught her Flower Pot because it could break and probably kill her if it hit the hard ground

The portal dissapeared as Plant put Daisy down and bees started to fly back to them interested in the new comer "Plant?" Plant tilt they're head at her as Daisy looked at them "H..Hi?.."She greeted in confusion, She looked around scared and confused

Before noticing that Mario nor Kay wasn't with her, Tears formed in her eyes "D..Dad?.. M..Mom?.."She bursted into tears as Plant looked at her shocked not knowing what to do, Plant only hugged her to show comfort as Daisy looked at Plant in confusion and interest, She was obviously confused to see another plant being like her and was also confused to see how they were willing to comfort her

"Plant! There you-"David stopped in his tracks realizing that Plant was hugging a flower pot, He couldn't see Daisy so he was confused with Plant's actions "Plant? Why are you hugging a flower pot?" He walked towards them as once Plant let go of Daisy, He realized that Plant was hugging another Plant creature

"Wait- Plant? Where did you find this little fella?"David looked over at Daisy as he waved to show that he wasn't going to harm her as Daisy shyly waved back "Plant, Plant Plant!"Plant explained as David started processing it in his mind

"Her and Portal?"David asked in confusion as Plant nodded "Plant!"They smiled "I don't even understand how i understood what you said but alright, Hi there new comer!"David smiled at Daisy

"H..Hi!.."Daisy said shyly "Soo.. What's your name and do you know who your parents are?"David asked crouching down "Dad?.. Mario!.."Plant and David looked at her in confusion

"Mario has a child?!"His eyes widened as Daisy looked confused but nodded nonetheless "Wait.. Plant said portal and i never seen Mario with any plant being soo.. You might be another version's Mario's daughter since i remember The Protectors Guild causing chaos in other worlds" David explained as Daisy and Plant listened

"Lets get-" David got cut off by a white and gold portal appearing and taking Daisy with it and dissapeared into thin air "Oh- That portal might be coming from her world and she's going back" Plant looked down

"Aww, Don't worry Plant! She might visit soon! Don't worry!" David picked them up as he hugged them with Plant hugging back

The Two Series of Seven Deadly Sins(The one with the Dream Team and the one with Ritchie,David, Brandon and Michael) are now open for request!

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