I don't..

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Requested by SL7892

Ships: None
Type: Angst
Series: Fairy Tail Origins
Characters Used: Davis and Flurry
Trigger Warning: Break Down


Flurry's POV
I can't handle the pain anymore.. I just want to huddle myself into a ball and let my tears stream like a river til i have no more tears left to cry.. I don't know.. I DON'T KNOW IF MY SON IS DEAD OR NOT!

I knew he was alive and all my hopes were up when i heard that Indoles was Oakley.. But now?.. Hearing the fact that he might die.. Is just.. Overwhelming..

I swear to myself that i will FIND and KILL Abraham and Biblico.. Even if its the last thing i'll ever do..

"Flurry?"I heard a knock on the door

They deserve to die..

"Flurry?" Another knock

I'll meet them in hell once i die..

"Hello? Are you there?" Another knock

I'll make sure that they burn in hell and suffer like i did..

The door creaked open as footsteps came closer to me

"Flurry? Are you alright?" I finally recognized the voice, It was Davis

I looked up but everything was such a blur from the tears and the sleepless nights "D..Davis?.. Is that you?.. Sorry.. I can't really see much.. Everything around me is such a big blur.."I mumbled

"A blur?.. What happened?.."I could see the big blob of blue mix with gray lowered down which i think Davis crouched down infront of me

"I.. I cried way too much.. I guess.. I also hadn't slept for a few weeks now.."I answered honestly

I couldn't lie to Davis since for a few months of us knowing each other, We knew what our tone of voices or movements are like when lying

"Flurry.. Why are you crying?.."He asked with worry and concern laced into his voice

"I.. I just.. I just don't know if my son is going to make it.. I don't want him gone.. I want to spend time with him more.. I want to spend time with Oakley and Ritchie.. I want Ritchie to finally get rid of the regrets of not being there for Oakley.. I want Oakley to be with us.. For half of my life.. I've been looking for Oakley.. And now that i finally found him?.. It brings me joy.. But now that i know that he has a chance of dying?.. I.. Feel heartbroken.. I don't wanna loose him Davis.."

"I DON'T WANNA LOOSE HIM!"I cried out as Davis stayed silent before pulling me into a hug

I cried into his chest as he rubbed circles behind my back trying to comfort me

"I don't wanna loose him.. I don't wanna loose him.. I don't wanna loose him Davis.. I don't wanna loose him.."I
cried out repeatedly

"Flurry.. Please look at me.."I looked at him with tears still flowing down like a river

"Your not going to loose him.. There's a chance he might die.. Yes.. But there's a chance that he'll still be alive.. Hold onto that and believe and pray that he'll still be alive.. You don't want Oakley to see you like this.. Don't you?.."

"I.. I don't want him to see me like this.."

"Then be confident in yourself that he'll still be alive.. Pray for him Flurry.. He needs his parents support and love.."

I stayed silent before a small smile plastered onto my face "Thank you.. Davis.. Your comfort was really all i need.." I could see a small smile form on his face

"You wanna get a shower so we could go to the church and pray for him?"I nodded "Thanks again Brother.. I really appreciate it.."I smiled

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