Protective Brothers

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Requested by WinterIceHolly


Expect this chapter to be short since i don't really have that much ideas

3rd Person POV
Lucas walked inside slowly with crimson blood slowly oozing from his shirt making a wet spot shown in his shirt, He walked pass David and Leo sitting at the couch talking to each other as he walked towards the bathroom. acting normally to not get they're attention

His head was hung low and his arms were criss crossed, David and Leo noticed him but thought that Lucas was fine until they noticed that he was in a position that says that he was uncomfortable, something bad happened, hiding something or he was being defensive which made them worried and confused

They watched him walked into the bathroom and close it as they stood up from the couch and walking over to the bathroom door, Lucas stood infront of the sink staring at the reflection of him in the mirror "Stupid!.. Stupid!.. Stupid.."He whispered to himself frustated

He pulled out clean bandages from the cabinet as he rolled up his sleeved to reveal a big wound caused by an arrow, unfortunately he doesn't what the arrow has. whether its poison, normal or a stupid love arrow anyways, he wrapped the wound with the bandages

As he groaned at the sudden head ache kicking in, his eyesight slowly becoming blurry, the only thing he could hear was a loud and long beep sound as his ears denied any other sounds he could possibly hear, he held onto the sink for support only to fall onto the ground passing out, last things he could see and hear was the door getting broken down and somebody shouting his name

Leo and David waited outside of the bathroom door for a bit deciding if they should bust the door down and see if Lucas was alright, They don't wanna bust in and see Lucas doing private stuff so they decided to wait, a couple of minutes later

A loud thump was heard inside the bathroom as David immediately kicked down the door with Leo shouting Lucas's name, They rushed in to see Lucas passed out "Lucas?!"David and Leo panicked as David's immediate thought was to pick him up and run towards the couch and so he did

Leo followed them towards the couch as David laid him down, Both of them decided to take a small break and calm themselves down "Alright! David go and get medical supplies, i'll try finding out what happened to him!"Leo demanded as he rushed towards Lucas's side and David rushing to the bathroom to get the medical supplies

Leo checked the wound only to notice that it looked.. poisonous.. He checked Lucas's pulse to make sure he was still alive, luckily he was still breathing but it was slow. He was slowly suffocating to death

David rushed towards them putting the medical supplies at the nearest table, he took off the old bandages that was already soaked in blood as he got a towel, letting the towel clean up some of the blood as he wrapped up the wounds in new bandages, he looked over at the panicked Leo pacing back and forth

"Do you know what happened to him?"David asked "Poison! That's what happened!" Leo's pacing fastened as David's eyes widened in shock, As David was about to say something Lucas had slowly started to wake up

"Ugh.. W..What.. Ha.. Happened?.."He opened his eyes as he blinked a couple of times to get the blur out "Lucas! Your awake!"Leo and David said in unison with relieved voices "What.. Happened?.."He asked confused

"You passed out in the bathroom with a big wound on your arm! And apperantly you were POISONED!"David yelled "Have something to explain mr?"Leo groaned "I..Is the poison still there though?.."Lucas stuttered out

"Not yet.."David mumbled "Lucas can take the poison out by drinking a healing potion.. but it will take atleast a month to heal"Leo answered "Then what are you waiting for?! Make the potion or find one!"David shouted as Leo sighed "Your lucky i always have one with me just in case of any emergencies.."Leo pulled out a green like potion as he walked towards them

Lucas slowly sat up "Here, Drink this" Leo offered him to the potion but Lucas shook his head in denial "It smells gross.. "He shifted away "Come on, Drink it. You need it to heal" Lucas groaned as he drank the potion emptying it as he coughed once the potion was all gone, David patted him as Leo took the empty bottle and put it beside the medical supplies

"Now what exactly happened?"David asked "I don't know..? I was walking around and a girl in black clothing shot me with an arrow.."Lucas explained "Damn it! Its a girl and we can't hit girls!"David groaned as Leo sighed "Im going to look for them later, David will be looking after you and you are not allowed anywhere outside without me or David, alright?"Leo said in a protective voice

"Fine.."Lucas groaned "Good"Leo and David answered

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