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Requested by romanangst2020

Ships: None(?)
Type: Angst
Series: Fairy Tail Origins
Trigger Warning: Break Down and Venting
Characters Used: Ritchie and Rijin

Part 2 of 'The Truth' since i realize how both of the two request goes like pieces-


Ritchie's POV
What.. Why.. How.. I don't understand!.. What did i do wrong?.. Jupiter is back leading Devil's Tounge.. Lucas is under a spell of some sort.. Indoles.. Or.. Oakley.. might die.. and.. EVERYTHING is shattered.. All of them.. ALL OF THEM.. Are going onto the Dark Side..

Here i am in my room holding onto a picture of Divinus Magia before all this chaos even started.. We still haven't met Plant and Blake.. Brandom still hasn't went missing.. Everything was so normal back then.. Everything was fun and cheery.. Now?.. All hope is lost.. Everything's broken..

I bit my lower lip as i held in a chocked sob, I fought the urge to cry as i closed my eyes trying to seal it shut to stop the tears from streaming down

Unfortunately for me, I felt the wet tears stream down my face as i cried harder, I put up my knees to my chest as i laid onto them putting myself into a ball

How many problems do i have to deal with?.. I left my own son 7 years ago and now Indoles or Oakley had to suffer.. If only i was there.. If only me and Brandon never got captured.. Me, Flurry and Indoles would be a happy family with no problems.. But.. We'll still be villains.. Antagonists that never seen the light..

Divinus Magia would never be created.. Every Divinus Magia Guild Member will roam around Atlantide looking for people to become they're targets.. Looking for something to steal and other criminal things..

As i was lost in my thoughts, I hadn't notice somebody standing right in front of me well.. Floating right infront of me

"Ritchie?.." I flinched at the echoed voice as i immediately looked up to see who it was and it was the one and only Rijin, My Demon

"Hi" I glared at him since i wasn't really in a very great mood to talk to him, He let out a sigh as he knelt down infront of me "What's wrong?"

"The Hell do you need to know what's wrong? Your my demon.. Your supposed to make my life more horrible.. Your not supposed to be here asking me What's wrong "

I could hear him muttering words to himself as he groaned "Jupiter might be my Twin, Yes but that doesn't mean we're the same.. Demons are different from each other, Some are evil, some are nice and some are neutral so you and David should be thankful that you have neutral demons and not evil like Jupiter"

I rolled my eyes "Your point? Look, I don't need you helping me here, I can take care of myself" He looked at me straight in the eyes with a serious expression

"Tell me Ritchie.. Who was crying when i appeared? Who was feeling regrets? Who was having a mental break down? Who is broken? Well the answer is you" I looked at him before blinking a few times and looking away

"Yeah yeah whatever.." I could hear his sigh of dissapointment "Ritchie, You need to vent to somebody.. You need a shoulder to cry on.. It will help your mental health more.. And im here to help you"

"Why should i trust my Demon? How do i not know that your not like Jupiter, Huh?" I raised an eyebrow at him as my eyes was filled with dis-trust

"Ritchie, Tell me. Why the hell would i be here worried for you? Why would i be giving you advice? Why am i not hurting you? Well that's because im not like Jupiter who would want to harm people"

I sighed "I don't have a choice but to vent.. Don't i?.." He nods

"Alright.. Well.. I feel regret for leaving my son.. I know it wasn't my choice to get caught but.. I just wish that i fought and did better.. Indoles or Oakley wouldn't have such a painful life and wouldn't be near death if i did better.."

"Blake wouldn't be in a position of a heart break.. Kit wouldn't have been mad at me.. Inmo would still be his happy and idiotic self.. Mario would still be helping us.. David wouldn't be having a break down because of loosing somebody close to him.. Plant wouldn't be missing a father.. Lucas wouldn't be under some kind of spell Galrin did.. and.. Brandon wouldn't be trapped in his mind by Jupiter.."

"If it weren't all for me.. It was all my fault.. If i had never drunk.. if i had became a good guild leader then.. None of this would happen.. Its all my fault.. I blame myself for all of this.."

I could feel Rijin's hand touch my shoulder

"Look.. I know its hard for you dealing with all of this but.. you have to understand.. Not everything is your fault.. You drunk because you were sad.. Brandon is your twin and you love him so much that both of you can't just get rid of each other.. You did put Lucas and David in a mission to the demon book, Yes"

"But it was all out of your control, You didn't knew that the book would affect the seal and would cause it to break.."

I looked up at him as he sighed before he pulled me into a hug knowing that i needed it, I cried into his chest as his poncho became wetter from my tears

"Shh.. Let it out.." I cried more as he rubbed circles upon my back to try and comfort me


I can't just let Ritchie be a sad bean- Im sorry-

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