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"Hao." Mingyu called.

Minghao looked at him with a little smile "yes?"

"I..." he hesitated "I was thinking about moving with you again, but it would be better if I wait."

"But you said you would do it." Minghao whispered with sadness, but Mingyu heard him.

"Yes, I know I said I would and I'm so sorry..." he explained "is just that it's too soon and even if we made up and are not mad with each other, maybe be separated for a while will help and our relationship will get better."

Minghao sighed "it's okay, don't worry."

"Are you really fine with this?" Mingyu asked.

Minghao nodded, then chuckled "yes, maybe we can stop fighting like every five minutes."

Mingyu laughed "I hope so."

The taller excused himself moments later and Minghao was left alone.

The younger felt like crying, nothing of this would have happen if he wasn't so careless and if he accepted Mingyu's words as they were... Compliments.

But it was too late... Right?

I hate you - GyuHaoWhere stories live. Discover now