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"Hi Minghao." said Seokmin entering the room.

"Hi." Minghao replied and then frowned when Seokmin prepared Mingyu's bed to sleep "what are you doing?"

"I'm sleepy." said Seokmin laying on the bed.

"But why are you sleeping in Mingyu's bed?" asked Minghao, confused.

"Ah... You don't know?" said Seokmin "we changed places, I'll stay here from now on."

"Oh." Minghao whispered to himself.


"Ah, yeah." Minghao said "night."

The days passed and Mingyu was feeling better, he was avoiding Minghao the best he could.

"I miss him." Minghao mumbled, but Seokmin heard him.

"Who do you miss?" Seokmin asked.

"Mingyu..." he whispered, then sighed "I didn't know I could miss him that much."

"Why did he move?" asked Seokmin.

"I don't even know what happened... He just left me." Minghao replied with a weak voice.

Seokmin smiled "why don't you tell him how you feel? He must be suffering a lot, he can't be without you."

Minghao blushed "can I tell you something?"

Seokmin nodded "you know you can tell me anything."

"I... I think I like him." Minghao's face got completely red.

"Yeah... I know you like him, he's your best friend." Seokmin said, Minghao looked at him with sadness and then he understood "oh..."

I hate you - GyuHaoWhere stories live. Discover now