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He couldn't stop thinking about what Seungcheol told him... Confess?

"Is he crazy?" Mingyu thought, but just listened to the elder.

He had more experience in life, after all.

But... Will he be able to do it?

He was scared, when all this passes and he forgets about Minghao they would be friends again, but if he confessed his love for him, there was no return...

Was he ready to be rejected by the person he loves the most?

Surely, his answer was a no.

Someone knocked the door, he was alone in his shared room with the maknaes.

"Who could that be?" he thought, then walked to the door and opened.

He saw a sad Minghao outside "Mingyu, I need to talk to you."

He nodded, letting him in.

They sat on the bed, Minghao looked like he was crying not long ago and Mingyu's heart ached.

"What do you want to talk about?" the taller started.

"You don't love me anymore?" the younger asked, weakly.

Mingyu looked at him, wide-eyed "I do love you, you know it."

"No! I don't know it!" Minghao started crying "you just abandoned me, even after I apologized to you and even if I confessed I missed you, you didn't even care!"

Mingyu got surprised, what was going on?

I hate you - GyuHaoWhere stories live. Discover now