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"Should we wait or should we tell them now?" Mingyu asked.

Minghao looked at him "why would we wait? I want you back with me, is not that I don't like Seokmin... I just want to have you near."

Mingyu chuckled "okay, I'll move back."

They left the room holding hands, Seungcheol looked at them and smiled.

"Guys?" he called, waiting for an explanation.

"Hyung." Mingyu smiled "well... As you can see, we are fine now."

"Yes, I can see you are as close as before." the elder said.

"Actually, closer..." Minghao said, shyly.

Seungcheol looked at Mingyu, wide-eyed "did you actually..."

"Yes, I did."

The elder smiled "so, now you are together?"

They nodded, Seungcheol congratulated them and the others did the same when they heard the news.

"Mingyu..." he called, Mingyu looked at him "can you sleep with me?"

Mingyu blushed "H-Hao."

"Oh my God Mingyu, is not like we never shared a bed before." the younger said "I missed you so much, I don't want to be apart from you anymore so come here so I can sleep."

Mingyu smiled "okay."

He embraced the younger, making him feel warm and safe.

"I love you Mingyu, never forget that." Minghao whispered.

Mingyu shook his head "I would never... I love you too, so much."

They kissed for the last time that night, and were happy to see each other's smiling faces first thing next morning.


Thank u for reading, I apreciate every vote and comment you left in this story.

I hope you liked it and I'm so sorry for the waiting, have a good night/day.

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