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Mingyu hugged him "I'm really sorry! It wasn't my intention to make you feel bad... I apologize."

Minghao pushed Mingyu away "I don't want your apologies!"

The elder looked at him, in pain "then, what can I do for you to forgive me?"

"Do you know for how long have I suffered for you? Do you know how bad did it hurt that you ignored me like if I was nothing to you? I thought we were best friends, but I guess I was the only one that was sincere-"

Mingyu interrupted him "do you think all of this was easy for me?! I suffered too! and you always seemed to be fine! Do you know how your words always did hurt me? I did nothing but care about you and you always pushed me away! Why am I always the one that needs to apologize?!"

I hate you - GyuHaoWhere stories live. Discover now