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"Why didn't you tell him?" asked Seokmin.

"I can't! Not now that we are friends again." Minghao replied.

Seokmin sighed "I really think you should tell him, something about the love he has for us and you feels different."

Minghao bit his lip "I'll think about it and maybe I'll do it, but for now let's just sleep."

Seokmin nodded and Minghao turned off the lights.

The next morning, he heard a knock at the door and opened, finding Mingyu outside.

"Morning Hao." said the taller.

"Hi Gyu."

"Wanna eat breakfast with me? I made hotcakes." the other said, with a little smile.

"Sure." he replied, smiling too.

"Perfect." they walked to the dinning room and started eating.

"Seungcheol, come here." said Jisoo, in a whisper.

The elder walked and stood next to him, then peeked at the room and saw Mingyu and Minghao together.

"It looks like they're fine now." said Seungcheol, Jisoo nodded.

"Let's talk to Mingyu later." said the younger, Seungcheol hummed and then they both left.

"Mingyu... Won't you move back to our room?" he asked shyly.

Mingyu hesitated "I don't know... Eventually I will, I guess."

"I promise I won't say anything hurtful to you again... I miss you." Minghao admitted "but it's okay if you don't want to, I'm fine with Seokmin though... Nevermind, just forget what I said."

Mingyu laughed "you're so-" he paused "I will, I'll tell Seokmin later, I miss you too."

I hate you - GyuHaoWhere stories live. Discover now