a gift

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"I was allergic." The girl said. Dream remembered how Karl told him, 50 years ago, that his wife is allergic to flowers and he realized that this young girl is Karl's wife.

"You're Karl's wife!" Dream watched her and memories kept flooding back. 

"I was his wife, now I'm dead... But how did you know that?"

"Karl once told me that he loved flowers, but ironically, his wife was allergic to them." Dream slowly and warmly explained.

Suddenly, they both were startled by Charlie accidentally running into a shovel and knocking it over with a loud bang.

Karl immediately came to see what was happening. "Oh, so sorry, I didn't see it!" Charlie quickly explained. 

"It's okay, are you hurt?" Karl asked.

"No, I'm completely fine." Karl gave him a big smile, put the shovel back in its place and went back to his chair at the register.

"So he can actually see you?" The girl asked intrigued. "Yeah, he helped me communicate with my... friend." Dream frowned a little and tried not to think about George too much.

"Maybe you can tell him something that I would love to tell my husband?" Karl's wife seemed desperate, like she needed closure.

"Of course!" Dream said warmly and they both went to Charlie. When Charlie saw Dream coming his way, he could already sense that Dream will be asking him to do something for him once again.


"Yes, Clay?" He sounded very tired. 

"Could you please tell Karl a few things his dead wife wants to tell him?" 

"Do I even have a choice?" 

"Not really." Dream answered with a smirk.

All three walked to Karl. He was just sitting and reading a gardening magazine. Dream was confused as to why Karl, who probably knew everything about gardening, was reading a gardening magazine.

"Hello, Karl!" 

"Hello there!" Karl cheerfully answered. His smile made even Charlie smile a bit.

Charlie immediately looked at Dream, waiting for an answer, and then Dream looked at Karl's wife.

"Tell him that his wife, Claire, needs to tell him something," The girl told Clay, and Clay then turned to Charlie. 

"Tell him, his wife Claire has something to tell him."

Charlie turned back at Karl. "I'm a medium and your wife, Claire, has something to tell you."

Karl wasn't so happy anymore. None of the three could tell if Karl believed him or not. Claire, at once, told Dream some more information about herself to tell Karl so he would believe. Something like - birthday, deathday, some memories.

"W- What does she have to tell me?" Karl wasn't smiling and it was really weird, Charlie and Dream both felt a bit uncomfortable.

Charlie turned to Dream, and Dream once again turned to Karl's wife. "That I love him so much and that I come here everyday and watch him, and the beautiful flowers here." Dream turned back to Charlie and repeated everything.

"She wanted to tell you, that she loves you so much and she comes here every day to watch you, and your flowers."

Dream watched one, lonely tear run down Karl's face. He hadn't said a word since the "what does she have to tell me". Suddenly a small smile appeared on Karl's face, "Thank you..." 

"No problem!" Charlie didn't want to do this, but Karl's reaction had made Charlie so happy.

"Thank you so much!" The girl exclaimed. 

"No problem, miss."

Charlie was headed towards the exit, when Dream quickly yelled, "Wait, Charlie, I need you to buy something."

"What? You're a ghost, you don't need anything." Charlie asked with a confused look on his face.

"It's for George."

"Of course it is," Charlie said sarcastically, "What do you need?"

Karl was sitting there and watching how the man was talking to thin air.

"Can you ask Karl if, after 50 years, they finally have orchid seeds?" Dream asked with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Sure," Charlie walked over to Karl, "Do you have orchid seeds?"

"Um... Yeah, I'm sure we do." Karl stood up and walked over to a cupboard with a lot of drawers. He started going trough one of them and got out a packet with a picture of an orchid on it.

"Here you go!" Karl had his cheerfulness back. Charlie was reaching for his wallet, but Karl immediately stopped him "You don't have to pay for those, the message from my passed wife was more than enough."

"Of course!" Charlie was really happy he didn't have to pay for them. Because of his money problems.

Now he was walking towards the door once again and this time he wasn't stopped. He walked outside and turned to Dream "Why did you need these?"

"George told me fifty one years ago that he liked them," Dream said and realized how dumb that sounds.

"But George doesn't look older than thirty years," Charlie was full of confusion from the sentence.

"I don't feel like telling the story right now..." Dream frowned once again, remembering the awful way things had ended between him and George.

They had finally reached the mediums house. "Well, I'm gonna head to sleep now. Goodnight, Clay!" 

"Goodnight, scammer!" Clay replied with a wave.

Charlie looked at Dream with an annoyed look, and went inside. Once he was gone out of Dreams view, Dream shifted back to the bright, dead world.

Once everything turned bright and empty, he almost immediately started having the small pain in his chest. Someone was mourning him.

He started walking back to Wilbur's house, expecting Sapnap to be there and waiting to hear about all the crazy events of the day.


I hope you don't hate my writing too much so far. I'm going to be trying to not make any mistakes and keep writing.

Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now