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On the whole way to Wilbur's house, Dream had the little ache in his chest, meaning that someone was mourning Dream for half an hour now, and pretty strongly.

Dream could feel the little ache a bit stronger than any other times. Someone must be really missing him.

He finally arrived at Wilbur's house and he went straight in. There was Sapnap sitting on the floor and looking at the wall.

"I'm back!" Dream sang the words, like the magical princess that he is.

"Finally, why so happy?" Sapnap was glad that dream was finally back, after a whole day of loneliness and boredom.

"You'll never believe what happened!" Dream was feeling very hyped up.

"Well? Why aren't you telling me already!" 

Dream rolled his eyes sarcastically. "So, I did the shifting thing and I met Schlatt, he tought me how to move objects and I accidentally ripped George's phone out of his hand. But we went to George's house and we warned him about the robbers."

Sapnap was just sitting there in shock, "You can move objects? You talked to George!" Sapnap was going crazy, feeling as happy as Dream.

"Yeah, it was a crazy day." Dream was really happy, thinking about all the stuff he did. He finally met George. He was in the same room at the same time as George.

"How did it go with George?" Sapnap asked in a flirty kind of way. 

"It was really cool." Dream said dreamy.

"Well, now I'm gonna have to try to move objects too," Sapnap said with a bit of challenge in his voice.

"I'm definitely going to shift again tomorrow." Dream was smiling so widely that his cheeks started to get tired.

Dream still had the little ache in his chest. He was really confused why the feeling was lasting so long. It usually stopped fairly quickly.

"Sapnap?" Dream said not smiling so much anymore. 


"Have you ever had that feeling when someone is mourning you last longer than around twenty minutes?"

Sapnap looked at him with a strange look. "No... What? Is it happening right now?"

"Yeah, it started like at least forty minutes ago. And it's quite stronger this time..." Dream was confused.

It wasn't real pain he was feeling, given the dead can't feel pain, it was like just a little feeling with a really small ache.

"I think it's someone going trough photos or something, like Wilbur found a photo album maybe." Sapnap wasn't as weirded out as Dream.

"What if it's George? I don't want him to be this sad," Dream was now fully out of the dizzying cloud of happiness. He was really concerned for the person that's mourning him for so long. Just like how he is every time someone mourns him.

"Whoever it is, they'll have cried their soul out and won't feel so sad anymore." Sapnap successfully tried calming Dream.

"You're right, it's just crying, I guess." Dream felt better after what Sapnap said.

"What do you want to do?" Dream had no idea what to do now that he discovered that the real world is just so much more interesting to be in. He just wanted to stay there forever.

"Well... We could..." Sapnap was thinking, but couldn't think of anything. "I don't know."

"Well, I could try shifting right now to Wilbur's house to see if George is there, safe." Dream suggested with an intrigued tone in his voice.

"Haven't you been shifting the whole day? Don't you need rest from it?" Sapnap was a little bit worried that dream was getting so attached to the real world, that he won't be able to come back.

"Just for a minute, to see if George is there, in safety." Dream was wishing for Sapnap's permission.

"Okay, one minute and then you come back." Sapnap said, sounding like a mother worrying for her son.

"Okay, mom. I'll be back in a minute if I'll even be able to shift." Dream assured Sapnap and went to the guitar that was laying in a lonely corner.

Dream was now standing there, trying to shift, but nothing was happening. "Come on, please, I have to see if George is here, safe." He still hadn't shifted. It was infuriating. He just wanted to be sure that George wouldn't get hurt. 

And then he felt different.

Dream felt his eyes soften as the lights weren't so bright anymore, he knew he had done it. He turned around and saw Wilbur and Sally sitting one the couch watching TV.

He couldn't see George though.

"Okay, he's not here with Wilbur and Sally, but maybe he's upstairs, maybe he's sleeping, maybe he's in the toilet." Dream tried calming himself, but it wasn't working too well.

He ran upstairs, he checked every room that had an open door and hurried back downstairs after that, because he could shift back any second now, he hadn't yet learned his limits. 

George wasn't in any rooms. There were only Tommy sleeping and Techno in the room next to him. But no George.

He shifted back after checking every room. He was freaking out.

"Finally, did you see your dear Gogy?" Sapnap said happily, not knowing that Dream was freaking out.

"He wasn't there, Sapnap. He's still at his house, it's not safe there. I told him not to stay at his house." Dream was almost hyperventilating, but not quite yet.

"Chill out, Dream. You'll go see him in the morning and see if he's hurt or anything. But right now, you should rest from all of this worrying and shifting." Sapnap tried with his softest voice to reassure Dream that it's all good, but inside, he was actually slightly concerned that Dream had gotten so obsessed with George once again.

"I don't think you should shift anymore."

I just realized that I'm changing from Clay to Dream, so just don't mind that.

Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now