best mates

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"Why were you talking to yourself?" Wilbur looked back at George. "I- I have no idea." George slowly answered. "Okay."

"So, Imma head out, you have your phone, you can eat anything you want and I'll be back soon. Around the time when Tommy gets up at weekends." Wilbur stood up and went trough everything while slowly going towards the door.

"Yeah, i know, i know." George said with a smile. "Bye, George!" "Bye, Wilbur!" And then Wilbur was out the door, shutting it after himself.

"So, George." Dream sat down next to him. "What?" George was smiling, but very weakly. "I can go back to your house and see what was stolen if you want me to."

"No, I'm bored, just stay here." George said looking at the ceiling. "Sure!" Dream grinned and turned to his side, watching George creepily.

"Why are you looking at me so weirdly?" George said, now looking at Dream. "Cause you're cute." Dream grinned even more. "Oh my God. You're so dumb." George said trying to hide his smile.

Dream stood up and walked over to the guitar. He tried picking it up, but it almost flew right down, almost breaking. "Woah, Dream!" George said quickly going over to the guitar.

He sat on the floor in front of Dream, ready to catch it if it falls out of his hands. "Okay, i don't think this is gonna work, but I'm gonna try."

Dream got the guitar in his lap successfuly. Now all that was left was playing it. "This is gonna be hard."

At first, Dream tried to just go over the strings, he missed every second one at first, but after a few tries, it started working. Now he needed to add the second hand.

"You're doing good." George smiled at him. "Thank you very much, but i already knew that." Dream looked over at George's unamused face. "So cocky."

George rolled his eyes and continued to watch Dream struggle. A few minutes had passed. He did some random melody's first and then he got on to a song.

"Woah, my love, my darling
I've hungered for your touch a long, lonely time
And time goes by so slowly and time can do so much, Are you still mine?
Lonely rivers flow
To the sea, to the sea
To the open arms of the seayeah lonely rivers sigh
'Wait for me, wait for me'
I'll be coming home, wait for me"

Memories of how Dream sang this to George came back. It feels like years ago now.

"I need your love
God speed your love to me."

"Still got it." Dream said and the guitar flew out of his hands. George immediately caught it and gave Dream a death stare.

"I don't know why that happened." Dream looked deep into George's eyes, grinning. "The guitar almost died." George said putting the guitar back in it's spot.

"But it didn't." Dream said standing up and heading over back to the couch. "All thanks to me." George said proudly following Dream.

"Who's playing the guitar?" Techno said in his morning voice, slowly walking down the stairs. Looked like he just woke up.

"Oh, uhm- Me." George quickly responded, hoping that Techno didn't hear too much. "George?" Techno looked over to George, confused why was he just sitting here, all alone.

"Yeah, somebody broke into my house, so I'm going to be staying here for a while." "Oh, okay." Techno said, turning around and walking up the stairs.

"I hope he didn't hear me talking to you, then he'd think I'm crazy." George said once Techno was out of his view. "Maybe you are, maybe I am just a hallucination."

George gulped and looked at the wall. "I'm just kidding, George." Dream saw the expression on George's face. "I am here."

"You better be." George said looking back at Dream. "Do you want me to touch you? You'd be able to feel the cold, you know."

"No thank you, that's not a good feeling."
George said laughing. Dream straightened his hand and started putting it in Georges direction. He thought it would go trough George, but it didn't.

He's hand was resting on George's shoulder. Once he realized what had happened his and Georges eyes widened. "Woah." Escaped Dreams mouth.

"How did you do that." Dream had removed his hand. "I have no idea." They were both in shock when Techno came down the stairs again.

"Who are you talking to? I could hear you talking to someone while coming."
Techno looked around to see if there was anyone there.

"Just... Talking to myself. Gotta get those social skills up." George said awkwardly laughing. "Okay..." Techno took something, Dream couldn't really see what, and went back up the stairs.

"Oh my God, that was scary." George turned back to Dream. "Be careful, he might be still listening behind the corner." Dream laughed.

"Go check." George commanded. "Why me?" Dream said with a whiny tone. "Because you're invisible, obviously." George said extra quietly.

"Fine." Dream got up and walked towards the stairs. He slowly walked up and saw no one around the corner.

"All safe." He yelled so George could hear him. "Good." George said back in his normal tone.

"So, i should order some security cameras for my house." George said looking around trying to find something. "Yeah, and we could later go see what was taken." Dream suggested. "Yeah."

George stood up and got his phone. He opened amazon and searched security cameras. He found cool ones and ordered five. They weren't too expensive.

"Now we can go see what was taken?" Dream suggested again. "Why do you want to see what was taken so badly?"

"I don't know, i just have to know." Dream explained himself. "Fine, let's go."
They stood up and George got his car keys and went outside.

They both got in the car and George started the engine. They slowly drove off.

The way was really short. They were there in no time. George got out his keys and unlocked the doors. They both slowly walked in, checking that the house was empty.

"What if they didn't even take anything?" George said and went into the living room. "Then they just didn't take anything and you haven't lost anything." Dream was intrigued in trying to find what had been stolen.


Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now