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"I hope you didn't actually watch George all night." Sapnap said. "I- I did actually." Dream admitted, even though he was planning not to. "Um, okay." You could hear how weirded out Sapnap was.

"You kind of have an obsessiosn." Sapnap said looking at Dream with That look. "No, I don't." Dream rolled his eyes sarcastically and jumped on the couch. "I'm gonna go back in an hour, when George will be ready." Dream laid down and looked at the ceiling.

"But you do know that it's the living world and you shouldn't be there that much, right?" Sapnap reminded Dream once again. "I know, I know, I will make some talking appointments with George. Like schedule times when we hang out." Dream said still looking at the ceiling.

"Good, well anyways, I'm gonna ditch you and go hang out with Phil, you'll have to start making appointments with me too." Sapnap laughed, then waved and left the house. Dream sat up and looked at the guitar, but right now, he had zero motivation.

He paced around for what felt like eternity, when he decided that he had given George enough time, he went up to a wall and thought of the beatiful living world. Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. Dream backed off the wall, thinking, maybe he didn't notice that he shifted, but that wasn't the case. 

"What?" Dream furiously whispered. "Why can't I shift?" He yelled grabbing his amazing hair in his fists. He started pacing around and came to a conclusion, that he just had to try again. He went back to the wall and just stood there for 5 more minutes.

He hit the wall and sat down on the couch cupping his face. The intrusive thoughts had started to appear. What if George thinks, that Dream doesn't like him anymore? What if he used all of his shifting and he will never be able to shift again? What if... What if George forgets about Dream?

"No." Dream refused to believe that this could be the end to it all. He stood up and refused to let any tears appear. "Worst case scenario, I will have to charge up my battery today, but tomorrow I will be able to shift." Dream laid down and closed his eyes. He started thinking of George. There wasn't anything else to think of anyways.

He laid there like a fallen column. An hour passed, then two hours, then four hours. Dream finally stood up and knew that it had probably been only half an hour and the feeling was torturing him. Dream went outside and decided to walk to the town square.

There surprisingly was Sapnap and Phil. "Dream? Is that actually you? You are actually here?" Sapnap said in a very cheerful voice. It loked like they both were having a good time, unlike Dream. "I couldn't shift." Dream said in a raspy voice, looking deep into Sapnaps eyes.

"Oh, sucks." Sapnap said, not so cheerfully anymore. "We were just talking about your George." Phil said smiling. Sapnap looked at Phil with an angry look and tried showing for him to shut up, seeing how Dream was hurting. 

"Oh, well, thats fun." Dream said trying to force a smile. "Dream, don't worry, you will shift tomorrow, today we can have a cool friend day. We haven't had those in a while." Sapnap said pumping them both up. "Yeah." Dream was trying his best not to frown. He just realized, that he actually is obsessed with George. 

A single day without George won't kill him, just a day. "What are we gonna do?" Dream asked. "Theres not that much to do. I was telling Phil about shifting and he wanted to try it out." They all started walking in a random direction that Sapnap chose.

"That's cool." Dream tried to sound as interested as he could. "Dreams a pro, he can do it in a minute. He's probably shifted more than a hundred times." Sapnap promoted Dream. "Well then, you can teach me." Phil smiled a huge grin towards Dream.

"There's not that much to it, you just have to think about how much you want to visit it for the last time." Dream shrugged looking at the ground. "And you can move objects and let someone see you." "Let someone see you? That's possible?" Phil stopped walking. "It could be just Dream." Sapnap said. 

"Maybe, I don't know." Dream looked away, so he could relax his face muscles from the fake smiling. "So, I wanna try." Dream looked back at them, "Okay, I usually stand up against a wall and put my forehead against it." Dream slowly explained. 

"Okay, next." Phil went up to a wall of a building and put his forehead against it. "Now just think of what you are gonna do there and how much you want to go back." Now there was silence. Dream and Sapnap were just staring at Phil. "Have you shifted yet? How long does it take?" Sapnaps patience had run out in a minute.

"Geor- I mean Sapnap, he won't shift if you'll just keep on talking." Sapnap looked at Dream with a disgusted face, "Did you just call me George?" "That was on accident, drama queen."

They both smiled and Phil tuned around and looked at them with an unamused facial expression. "Sorry, we'll shut up." Sapnap said raising his palms in the air.

One minute went by, then the second one and then the third one, Sapnap spoke up, "Have you shifted yet?" Phil turned around and looked at the other two. "No, this shit ain't possible, we're leaving." Phil said cupping his face from annoyance.

They started walking again and just hanged out for quite the time. There wasn't time in the dead world, but by hanging out so much in the living world, Dream had got back little bit of his senses.

"I'm going to go now. I'll try if I can shift now." Dream said slowly walking away from them and waving. "Okay." Sapnap said slightly frowning. "Bye!" "Bye!" They all said their goodbyes and Dream started walking away, almost sprinting.

"I'm telling you, that one's obsessed with George." Sapnap said, watching Dream go out of his view.

Extra scene:)

Charlie was sitting on the couch that was inside his house/work. He was sipping coffee and thinking if he just imagined or dreamed meeting the ghost of Clay. "Was it all a Dream?" Charlie hadn't smiled in a long time. He actually missed that persistent, sassy ghost.

I somehow didn't have Instagram, but now i made an account, so you can go check it out iywt - aliceci0

Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now