some luck

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"You cover up that talking really well." Dream was looking around. He hadn't been at his grave for a long time. George walked up to Wilbur who was at the grave, looking at it. 

"I miss that sassy, old man." Wilbur stood up and looked over to George. "You probably miss him a lot aswell" He continued. "I do." George admitted. Dream was just standing there, looking at them both.

"Just a reminder to never take the calendulas off, I want them to stay there forever." Dream said in a cheerful voice. George looked at him with a condescending look. 

"What are you lookin' at?" Wilbur asked AGAIN. He's asked it so many times now. "At that big tree over there." George said pointing to a big, old oak tree. "Yeah, It's beautiful."

"George, something weird is happening. You're talking to yourself all the time, you're spacing out, or looking at something all the time. Do you have PTSD?" Wilbur finally confronted George.

"What? No! From what?" George laughed. "From Dream, obviously, or the robbery." Wilbur wasn't laughing like George was. "That was months ago. Why would I get that right now? And the robbery, it's just a small robbery." A rain drop found it's way on Wilburs forehead. "Let's go back, it's gonna rain."

They walked back in the car, George opened the back door for the quiet Dream. They drove back and George immediatly went to him asigned room, avoiding Wilbur.

George laid face down on his pillow and sighed. "PTSD." Dream said slowly. "I do not have that." George mumbled. "How can you know that. Maybe not from me, but the fact that you are talking to a ghost." 

Dream didn't think that George has PTSD, he's gone trough a lot, but he doesn't really show that many signs. Of course, the suicidal toughts, but that was just one emmotional evening.

"Anyway, i want to eat, Imma head downstairs and grab something." George said slowly getting up. "Oh my God, I promised Sapnap that I would be gone for two hours. He's gonna be mad. Bye Georgie!" "What did you just call me?" George was trying to hide the smile that was starting to fight it's way on Georges face.

"Just say it back already." Dream looked deep into Georges eyes. "Bye, Old man." And after hearing that, Dream shifted back, out of Georges sight. He ran downstairs and saw Sapnap.

"You were upstairs?" Sapnaps face was full of confusion. "Ohh, you shifted, didn't you." The confusion was gone, he figured it out. "Yeah." Dream didn't even try hiding it. They were best friends, Dream shouldn't hide anything from Sapnap.

"What did you do?" Sapnap curiosly asked. "Well, theres something that I haven't told you." Dream said intruiging Sapnap. "What?" "George can kinda see and hear me now." Dream said, wanting to see Sapnaps reaction. "How?" Sapnap wasn't as surprised as Dream thought he would be. 

"I don't know. I just did something and it worked. But anyways, George was robbed, and- and they took the phone." Dreams voice became weaker, from remembering the events that had happened earlier today.

"What? Why? Do you think they knew?" Sapnap started questioning. "How am I supposed to know? I promised George to find it. How am I supposed to do that?" Dream sat down and cupped his face. 

"Dude, you did not actually promise that. You know how impossible thats going to be." Sapnap said with disappointment in his voice, that Dream didn't like to hear. "I know."

"Well, you'll figure it out on your own." Sapnap smiled at Dream. "Our good old friend, Phil, has accompanied us. I know I shouldn't be happy, but now I won't be lonely when you are with your George." Sapnap stood up and started pacing around.

"Why does everyone call him My George? He isn't mine..." Dream said looking at the ceiling, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Anyways, bye, I'm gonna go, you think about your life choices. Bye!" Sapnap was at the door. "Bye." And with that, the door closed.

Dream stood up and started to seriously think. If they come back when Dream is there, he can confront them. Ranboo and Phil. Wait. Phil. Could it be that Sapnaps friend, Phil, is one of the robbers? No. Or maybe.

Dream ran out of the house trying to see if Sapnap was still in sight. He was. "Sapnap!" Dream yelled and started sprinting towards Sapnap. "Dream." Sapnap turned around and smiled at Dream. "Thought you would shift back, again."

"Nah, I want to see Phil." Dream wasn't going to tell Sapnap his thoughts yet. He might be wrong. "Good." Sapnap turned back to the road and started walking in a fast pace.

Phil was close by. They saw him in the distance, his silhouette becoming bigger by every second. "Phil, hey!" "Hey, Sapnap, Dream." Phil looked different. He had this huge scar on his face. 

"Where did you get that from?" Dream pointed at the scar. "Probably from the car crash that I died in." Phil shrugged. "You died in a car crash?" Sapnap was trying not to smile, but he couldn't help himself.

"Yeah, I was in a rush to leave the city." Phil said, he didn't seem too sad about his death. "Why?" Dream could think only of one reason. "Whos Ranboo?" Dream asked another question, before Phil could answer the last one.

"Well, I'm dead, so I guess I can tell you. I got into some bad guy bussiness and well, I had to rob houses for them, if I didn't want to die." ""Wheres the phone?" Dream asked at once. "The one you stole from my old house. You know, the one back in the city." Dream was so serious that even Phil and Sapnap weren't smiling anymore.

"Oh, Ranboo took it, because he liked it." Phil looked at Sapnap and then back to Dream. "Where is it now?" Dream was now starting to creep Phil out. You could see the uncomfortableness in his face.

"If the police took everything from my car crash, then somewhere at the police station I think." And right after the sentence was said, Dream turned around and sprinted to the town square.

Dream was already at the wall and started concentrating. He shifted. Dream turned around as the brightness died down and went into the back room of the police station. That was the only open door, he won't be able to get into any other room.


I have tons of undone schoolwork, but I'll try to write as much as possible.

Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now