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That was the only open door, he won't be able to get into any other room.

The room had white, stained walls and there were two couches. Clay counted six policemen and waited till someone opened the door that had "Evidence" written on it.

It didn't take that long, till the door opened and a cop was walking out of the room and Dream smoothly slid inside.

There were a lot of shelves, full of stuff. There were dates underneath every shelve, so all he had to do, was find a shelve with yesterdays date.

Dream walked up to the first shelve and it was from two days ago. He walked one shelve forward and it was from three days ago. He backed up and found a shelve with yesterdays date.

He scanned trough it and immediately saw the phone. It was hard not to see it, it was the biggest object.

Dream tried to take it, but a second before touching it, remembered that it's not quite normal for a phone to fly trough air.

The first idea was that he could write a note to one of the officers to bring it to him. He found a blank sticky note and a pencil that needed sharpening. He got it in his hand and started writing.

His handwriting was awful, due to not being able to hold the pencil correctly, but it was good enough to be able to read "I need you to bring me the old phone to the front desk from that yesterdays car crash - " he waited for the door to open again for him to go outside and find a name of one of the cops.

He waited and waited, it had been like twenty minutes already, why is no one coming in here? Two more minutes passed and the same cop came back inside the room, letting Dream slide out.

He went up to a woman that was sitting on the sofa and looked at a sign around her neck that said - "I'm new here, my name is - Nasha Bell" he saw the door opening again and sprinted towards it to get back inside.

He continued writing and added the woman's name at the end of the lines, showing who had written the sentence.

He took the note and put it on the wall next to the door, hoping that the guy would notice it. It didn't take too long till the same cop was back. He didn't notice the note while coming inside, but when he took something and was about to leave, he noticed it and took it in his hand.

He turned around and went over to the phone. He took it and carried it out of the room, they both went to the front desk at the very entrance of the police station. He just put it there and walked away.

There was no one there, so Dream took the chance and picked it up and ran outside. He ran behind the police station and found a good place where to hide it. Nobody would look there.

Dream had to hide the phone, because he would not be able to carry it trough the whole town square. The phone was now chilling there, and Dream was heading towards Wilbur's house.

Dream shifted and went up to George's room. Clay knocked on the door and awkwardly waited. George opened the door very slowly, slightly peaking his head out.

George noticed Dream and opened the door wide enough for Dream to be able to go in. "Hi!" George said very awkwardly. "I have the phone." Georges jaw dropped and he was staring dead in Dreams eyes.

"Where is it?" "At the town square, im not able to carry it this far." Dream had a huge grin on his face, he was proud for finding the phone. George grabbed his phone and walked outside of his room.

He walked down the stairs and towards the door. "I'm going to the town square, be back soon." George informed Wilbur, who was sitting on the couch and playing his phone.

"I could come with you, I'm really bored right now." Wilbur stood up and smiled at George. George didn't want to reject Wilbur, knowing it may offend him, so he just had to agree.

"Sure, let's go, I'm kinda in a rush." George walked outside and soon after, Wilbur too. They both started walking in town squares direction. Georges pace was really fast. He was almost running.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Wilbur asked out of breath. "I just have something to pick up." George was quite proud of the excuse.

They were at the town square and George stopped. He looked at Dream and tried showing that he's asking where the phone is with his facial expressions. Dream caught on and lead George to the police station.

Dream walked behind the building and George slowly followed. The three of them were now standing and Dream pointed to where the phone was. George squated down and revealed the phone.

"Is that the phone? How did you know it's here?" Wilbur was shocked, really really shocked. "Super powers." George picked the phone up like a baby and just admired it.

"You will have to tell me someday." Wilbur knew he won't get any information out of George. "Sure." George was heading back towards the front of the big building.

Dream and Wilbur followed. "We can go back now." George was still looking only at the phone. You could easily see the happiness in George's eyes while he was looking at the old object in his hands.

"OK." Wilbur slowly nodded, he had spaced out. They made their way back to the house. George obviously went straight to his isolated room and shut the door behind him.

"How did you find it?" George immediately turned towards Dream and looked in his eyes like those detectives in those shows about crimes. "I met one of the robbers in the dead people place."

"Oh wow, seriously?" George smiled and laughed. "Yeah, he's actually an old friend of me and Sapnap."


Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now