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"Oh wow, seriously?" George smiled and laughed. "Yeah, he's actually an old friend of me and Sapnap."

"What did he tell you?" George laid down on his bed, still facing Dream. "That the other guy took the phone, because he liked it." Dream chuckled making George chuckle with him.

"Oh my God! Dream, I just remembered something really important!" George stood up and started looking for something. "What?"

George got his phone and stared at the bright screen. The next moment, a song started playing. "When we were still talking on the phone, I made a playlist of songs that reminded me of you." Georges smile was so warm and beautiful, Dream wished he could just lean in and kiss George right there, right now.

(You can play the song "A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant to Be" by Jess Benko for some aesthetic)

"That's amazing!" The first song that started playing was soft and quiet, singed by a woman and a guitar playing in the backround melody. "I wish we could dance right now." Dream said looking in Georges eyes.

They were having quite the moment right there. If Dream would be alive, they would probably be making out right now:)

They spent the rest of the day listening to all of the songs. It was the best spent day of his life. A whole day with George, like best friends. Of course Dream would be happier if they would be something more, but it wasn't possible.

"It's weird that Wilbur hasn't came in here ruining the moment for the whole day, I'm not talking that quietly." George was laying in his bed and looking at the ceiling. "Yeah, suspicios." Dream said in that weird voice. "I hope he's not outside my door, just listening." George laughed. "Maybe he is." Dream said with the suspicios tone in his voice. 

"Nah, he's definitely not, Wilbur wouldn't invade my privacy like that." George kept on talking, not worrying to dial down his tone. "I raised him good." They both laughed and continued listening to the music. 

Soon came the night and Tommy had to go to bed and George had to turn off the music. "I think I'm gonna hit the hay." George said quietly. "HiT tHe HaY." Dream said in a mocking voice. "Why are you bullying me, Dream." George was laughing so loudly, that he had to stand up to be able to stop.

"Anyways, bye, Old man, you better not watch me sleep." George got his pajamas and put them on his bed. "Aw man, why can't I?" Dream acted like a sad toddler. "Because it's creepy. Now leave so I can get dressed." George turned to Dream. 

"Okay, goodnight, Wrong number..." Dream said sadly. "Goodnight, Old Man." And Dream disppeared out of Georges sight. Dream walked downstairs, his eyes still adjusting to the brightness.

"I take it Sapnap's still with Phil." Dream said to himself. He walked up to the guitar and picked it up. He hasn't played in a while. He started strumming it, hoping to regain all of his skills. He started by remembering the strumming pattern and then put the notes in.

He played for a while and remembered George. He put the guitar down and stood up. He went up to a wall and after two long minutes, he shifted. He went up the stairs and slipped inside Georges room. He slowly and quietly walked up to him and just watched him.

He looked so peaceful and calm. Dream was trying to get himself to go away and stop watching George sleep, but sadly, that was not possible. He sat down on the chair that was next to Georges bed, where he was sitting earlier today.

Dream just sat there for hours and watched George sleep. He couldn't stop. Dream jumped as he could hear George moving. George sat up and just sat there. Dreams heart was beating quite rapidly. 

George turned his head, and as soon as he saw Dream he jumped. "Dream! You scared me!" George whispered. "Oh, sorry." "You were watching me sleep, creep?" George said jokingly. "Yeah... I got really bored." Dream awkwardly answered. "For how long?" "Uhm, three hours I think..." Dream rubbed the back of his neck and slowly sank in the embarrassment.

"Oh my God! That's so long, you are so weird." George tried to hide the fluster. "Are you blushing, George? You litterally just woke up." Dream raised an eyebrow and smiled. "No, I'm not." George looked away and smiled the biggest smile.

"Why did you wake up in the middle of the night?" Dream asked with slight concern in his voice, but still smiling. "I have been waking up at least two times every night since you cut off our communicaton." George gulped and continued, "I don't know why, though."

Dream looked in Georges eyes with a death stare. "That's weird." "Don't worry, it's not that bad, I fall asleep really fastly." George smiled at Dream and laid down with his back against Dream. "Aw." Dream cried out. "You don't deserve to see my face."

Dream rolled his eyes and quietly chuckled. "George?" There was no answer, George had fallen asleep. Dream didn't stop watching though. He didn't have anything else to do, Sapnaps definitely ditched Dream for Phil.

The Sun was rising, but Dream was too caught on Georges features. George had rolled in his sleep, revealing his peaceful, sleeping face. Georges phone started quietly ringing and George immediately got up without opening his eyes.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Dream softly said. "Oh my God! Dream! You're still here?" George had finally opened his eyes and was taking in seeing Dream early in the morning. "Yeah." Dream realized how weird it is to watch someone sleeping for the whole night. ""Thats- I didn't expect that. You were watching me sleep for the whole night?"

"Uhm, I just now realized how weird that is." Dream said, all flustered. "Well, I need to dress up and take a shower, and That, is something you are not allowed to watch, so you can leave now." George said. Dream had noticed that in Georges morning voice, his accent was a lot stronger. 

"Sure, sure, I'm not That weird." Dream raised his hands in defeat. He shifted back and went downstairs, blushing. "Well, well, well. Look who it is, all blushing for some reason." Sapnap said with his arms crossed and leaning against a wall.

"I hope you didn't actually watch George all night." Sapnap said. "I- I did actually." Dream admitted, even though he was planning not to.


You should definitely go check out the playlist that George made in the story, that the original author made. Heres the link -

Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now