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"Why?" George scolded. "To stop you from hurting yourself." Dream said, disappointed that George wasn't too happy to see Dream.

"I wasn't actually going to, I was just thinking about it." George said, still checking out all of Dreams features. "Then why is there a knife on the floor?" Dream said pointing to the small knive, that was just laying there.

"I don't know." George said with an annoyed tone, cupping his face, but not crying anymore. "Just promise me, that you will not do anything dumb." Dream said with a really serious tone. 

"I- I promise." George said now standing up, face to face with Dream. "I think I'll head to bed. Promise you won't watch me sleep." George said with a small smile appearing on his face.

"Can't promise that." Dream answered laughing. "That's kinda creepy, Dream." George was now back to being his smiling self.

"You've got a cute smile." Dream said looking in Georges eyes. "Shut up." George answered looking away from Dream and going towards the stairs. "Goodnight, Old Man." George said going up the stairs. 

"Goodnight, Wrong Number." Dream just stood there watching George go up the stairs. He was happy once again.


He shifted back, and decided to not watch George sleep, because he didn't want to disrespect Georges wishes. 

Dream didn't tell Sapnap about what had happened and told him he was at the town square in a secret mission.

Sapnap was suspicios and knew that Dream was at Georges, but he did not know about George being able to see and hear Dream. The whole night they talked and this time, Dream listened to what Sapnap was telling him.

"I'm gonna head back to my secret mission." Dream realizing how many hours had passed, stood up and told Sapnap. "Um, okay." Sapnap said squinting his eyes, showing his suspicion.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad." Dream said chuckling. "I don't believe that, but I guess you can go." Sapnap said with a really dramatic tone in his voice. "I'm gonna be back in like, two hours max."

"Yeah right, it's always two times more than what you say." Sapnap said turning his back towards Dream and crossing his arms like a toddler that didn't get the ice cream that it wanted.

"Drama queen." Dream said rolling his eyes and heading towards the door. He walked outside, and at first he headed towards the town square to the medium, but soon after, he remembered that George can now see him.

He was at Georges house, once again, face to face with the green handprints, trying to shift. It took him a few minutes this time, but he managed to do it. Now he was quite a pro already.

He didn't see George in his bedroom, so he went downstairs. George wasn't there too. Dream walked trough every room, but he was nowhere. He looked even in the bathroom, because he just needed to find George, even if he was invading his privacy.

Dream wasn't freaking out too much. Maybe he's at the store, or the park, or at Wilbur's, or at the town square. He could be anywhere. Dream decided to check Wilburs house first. He shifted back and headed back towards his sons house.

He was there, but he didn't want Sapnap to catch him, so he slowly entered the house, looked around and saw no sign of him. He went up to a wall and shifted.

He immediatly saw George and Wilbur on the couch talking. Dream in a slow pace went up to them, forgeting that George can see him. When he walked in Georges sight, George jumped.

"What was that?" Wilbur looked at George and then to where George was looking with a confused expression. "Oh my God, nothing." George had his arm on his chest and he was hyperventilating a bit.

"Oh right, I totally forgot you can see me now." Dream said chuckling from Georges reaction. George looked at him with a weird look and then back to Wilbur.

"I have no idea what that was, lol." George said with a weak laugh. "Okay..." Wilbur answered still looking at the spot that George was looking at before.

"So, like I said, do you have any valuables at home?" Wilbur said now looking back at George. "Not that special, no." George said for a second looking back at Dream, who was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Then I'm confused. Did you not see anything missing?" Wilbur said, his face full of confusion. "I didn't really look at anything, I just went straight to the loud ringing." And that's when Dream understood what they were talking about. 

The robbers came back. They didn't hurt George, thank God. "I told you three times not to stay at home, George." Dream said looking at George with a worried expression. "Uhm, what did you say?" George looked back at Wilbur. Because of Dream, George missed what Wilbur had said.

"Nevermind that. What are you looking at? Theres nothing there." Wilbur said looking back at the place where George had looked. "You can tell him, after the phone story, it won't be anything that serious." Dream reassured George. "No." George answered Dream and forgot about Wilbur. 

"What no?" Wilburs face was now even more confused. "What- oh. Uhm." George didn't know how to answer. "Are you like talking to ghosts or something?" Wilbur said jokingly, laughing.

"Uhm..." George wasn't sure if Wilbur needed to know. "No, I just got distracted by some weird thoughts." George decided not to tell Wilbur, knowing that it may make him sad.

"Sure. So how long will you be staying here? Do you need some money for some cameras?" Wilbur said assuring George. "No, I have enough. And I'm probably gonna stay here for at least a week." Dream was looking at George, seeing that he sometimes looks over at him.

"What happened?" Dream finally spoke up as their conversation died down. "Imma go to the bathroom real quick." George stood up and went inside the bathroom, Dream following.

"Uhm, hi Dream." George awkwardy sat down on the toilet and stared at Dream who was in front of him. "Hi, George." Dream smiled. "So, what happened?"

"Well, I woke up at the sound of the alarm going off. I don't know how long it was going. I didn't look around or anything, so I don't know what was taken." George explained.

"You didn't see them?" Dream wasn't smiling anymore, now he was serious. "Nope." George answered looking at the floor. "Thats all, I'm gonna head back to Wilbur." "Okay."

George stood up and went trough Dream to the door. He went back to the couch and sat next to Wilbur. "You know that I could hear you talking to someone." Wilbur looked at George with a smile. "Oh." George looked at Dream, and Wilbur once again looked at the same spot where George had looked, but still didn't see anything.

"Why were you talking to yourself?" Wilbur looked back at George. "I- I have no idea." George slowly answered. "Okay."


Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now