one last time

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"I'm telling you, that one's obsessed with George." Sapnap said, watching Dream go out of his view. Dream sprinted back, and ran into a wall. He almost fell, but he saved himself. He started thinking about how he just can't not see George right now.

He stood there, five minutes had passed already, but Dream kept on going, he Had to see George, for at least one last time. He closed his eyes very tight. The lightness had became softer and Dream immediately turned around to see, that he was still in the dead world.

"What?" Dream furiously spat out. He kicked the wall out of anger and screamed to let some of the anger and fear out. He laid down on the floor, curled up in a ball and closed his eyes. He felt like an overdramatic child, but there was nothing he could do about it.

A long time had passed, Dream just didn't know how long. It could be few minutes, few hours or maybe few days. He couldn't feel time, it was like the time somehow died, disappeared. Suddenly there was a noise behind Dream. He wasn't bothered enough to look.

"Dream?" Sapnaps voice echoed trough the whole room. "What are you doing?" "Riding a bike." Dream said sarcastically and extremely numbly. "Idiot. I can see that you are on the ground, but why?" Sapnap said crossing his arms and trying not to let any pity in.

"I still can't shift, obviously." Dream said in the same, numb tone. "I told you to slow down on the shifting. Now you can't even do anything without thinking of him." Sapnap said.

"I know. If i could shift one more time, it would be my last, so i could at least tell George that i can't shift anymore." Dream rolled on his back, now looking at the white ceiling. "Well, i can shift for you and tell him. I would have to learn how to let him see me tho." Sapnap sat down next to Dream.

Dream quickly sat up and stared into Sapnaps soul. "How didn't i think of that. Yes! Right now." Dream was now standing up and going at a wall at full speed. "But remember that I'm not as good at shifting as you." Sapnap said pressing his face against the cold wall.

The whole room fell into silence. Dream didn't even think of disturbing Sapnap. He was ready to wait as long as needed.

A little pov of Sapnap.

Sapnap felt the similar feeling of shifting. He had actually shifted in less than five minutes. That's a new record. He saw all of the furniture and he ran upstairs. He didn't know in which room George was, so he had to look in every single one.

The first one was Tommy's room. Very easy to understand that. Next one. He went in the room and saw George just sitting on his bed and just staring at a wall. "Now, what do I have to do? Dream didn't tell me." Sapnap just sat down in front of George and started thinking.

He sat there for a while, every once in a while opening his eyes to see if George could see him. He opened his eyes once again and saw that George had cupped his face. "George?" Georges head flung out of his hands and looked in Sapnaps direction. "It worked? I did it?" Sapnap said cheerfully getting up.

"Who are you?" "I'm Sapnap, Dreams friend." Sapnap answered George. "Oh, where's Dream? He said he'd come back later." George stood up. "He can't shift. He's just laying on the floor now. He literally can't live without seeing you. You might never see him again, we don't know if he'll be able to shift." Sapnap said calming the cheerfulness down.

"Really?" Georges face darkened. You could see the sadness in his expression. "I'll never see Dream again?" George looked away from Sapnap. "Probably..." Sapnap awkwardly answered. "Oh, okay." George sat down back on his bed and just looked at the wall in front of him.

"I'm sorry." Sapnap said. Suddenly Sapnap just disappeared out of Georges view and George just continued to sit there.

Sapnap took his face off the wall and looked at Dream. "Well? Did you tell him?" Dream miserably asked. "Yeah, he didn't look too happy." "Obviously. He likes me just as much as I like him. What did you tell him?" Sapnap told Dream all the details and they just sat there on the floor and talked for a long time.

A sound from the houses entrance made Sapnap and Dream turn their heads and stop their conversation. "Hello." A familiar face greeted them. "Darryl?" Sapnap jumped up and looked at every single Darryl's feature. "What the hell are you doing here?" Sapnap yelled at him.

"I- I had a heart attack." Darryl said weakly smiling. "But you were so young. Too young." Sapnap furiously yelled out. "61 isn't that young." Darryl said. "You didn't even hit 69." Dream said sadly. "Yeah." Sapnap agreed.

"It's okay. I can live without it." He said positively. "Why are you so calm about this. What is your son going to do without a father?" Sapnap said, now calmer. "Please don't bring that up." Darryl said still with his soft voice on.

They continued talking. They talked. And talked. And talked. Is there anything else they can do? There isn't. The bright, empty dead world has nothing to do. If you are alone, without friends, then you are stuck. Stuck alone in the middle of nowhere.

The end ig

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now