extra scene

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A long time has passed. Years. A lot of years. Dream was sitting on the ground against the wall in his old house. Sapnap was sitting next to him. You can probably already guess what they were doing, they were talking. "I don't think he was actually being serious." Dream said smiling.

"He obviously w..." Sapnap stopped talking as George walked inside the room. He slowly paced up to them and just sat down in front of them. Dreams face was the definition of shocked. "G- George?" Dream said leaning forward. "Hi, Dream." He said smiling. Dream jumped forward, hugging George with all of his might.

They sat there in silence, till George backed out of the hug. "I missed you so much. I waited so long for you to come back, but you never did." George said smiling even more. "I love you so much." Dream said grinning and looking into George's eyes. "I still do." "Okay, I'm gonna leave." Sapnap said getting up and leaving the room, leaving George and Dream alone.

"I love you too, Clay." George said softly. Dream leaned in for another hug. The hug made Dream think. A lot. All the feelings he had, he had forgotten them after all of these years, but they are all back. Dream wasn't focusing on his actions, only on his feelings.

He pulled out of the hug and kissed George. It was so beautiful, the things it made Dream feel. It felt like magic, like fate, like it was scripted in their story of life. "I've been wanting to do this for so long." Dream said as he pulled out, because he needed some air.

George was blushing so hardly, that Dream burst out laughing. "Stop." George said all flustered. "You're so cute." Dream said and immediately pulled into another kiss.

So now you know that once upon a time,

In the same room,

Of the same house,

After 100 years,

Clay and George were finally together.


Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now