i'm sorry

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"I don't think you should shift anymore." Sapnap's voice said coldly. Dream made an annoyed expression. "You have obviously fallen for George just as hard as fifty one year ago. You can shift tomorrow to see if George is alright, but then you should stop."

Dream was confused. He didn't even realize that his feelings had come back. He never really got rid of them, but now back in his young mind and body, his feelings are back to being just as big as they were once fifty one year ago.

"I- Okay..." Dreams voice had sadness, anger and disgust in it. Sapnap knew that Dream would most likely get real mad for saying that, but Sapnap knew that Dream needed to hear it.

"I think... I'm gonna head to George's house." Dream said numbly. Sapnap felt how he had hurt both Dream and their relationship.

Dream walked outside and was heading over to George's house. He still had the little ache in his chest, meaning that somebody was now mourning him for a full hour.

He walked over to the calendulas. They were fully blooming. They are beautiful.

Dream went inside. He knew he agreed with what Sapnap had told him. He was fighting the urge to shift. It was really hard. For the rest of the night (or what he figured was the night in the real world) he just sat and looked at the two green handprints, drowning in memories.


Hours had passed. Dream was sure it must be morning by then, so he stood up, left the house and went to the town square.

He walked inside the medium's and attempted to shift. Every time he did so, he got better at it. He's gone from trying for hours to trying for just about a minute.

"Oh my god! You scared me!" Charlie yelled. Dream was happy he could still see him.

"What time is it?" Dream, still quite sad, asked.

"It's 11 am." Charlie, confused as to why Dream was acting so different today, answered. "You'll want me to go to your George today again, won't you." Charlie said, trying to make Dream smile, but failing.

"Um, yeah, he slept at his house, it isn't safe there, I guess he forgot." Dream said numbly once again. He was fearing losing George again, it was the only thing on his mind.

"We can go right now to see if he's safe," Charlie nicely and softly recommended. 

"Yeah, sure." Charlie got some stuff and they walked outside and started walking in Georges house's direction.

They got there after some time. They walked up to the door and Charlie knocked on it. There was no answer.

Charlie kept knocking and there was still no sound or trace of George. After a few more knocks, Dream kind of woke up from his numbness trance and started worrying.

"Why is he not answering?" Dream was scared, what if George is in there bleeding out or something?

"It's still early, he might just still be sleeping." Charlie said, like he would've just read Dreams thoughts.

"Probably, I guess." Dream didn't even realize that that could be the reason.

Suddenly, the door slowly opened a tiny bit and there was George in his pajamas and his messy hair. Dream loved the look.

"Uhm, you're Charlie?" George asked in a raspy, confused morning voice. 

"Yes, Clay wanted me to come and see if you are okay. He said you didn't sleep at Wilbur's, when Clay told you not to stay at your house, because it might be dangerous." Charlie explained with a serious tone.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot." George said, still with his morning voice. 

"Clay is asking if we can come in?"

"Uhm, sure." George opened the door now wider and let them both come in. "It looks like we woke you up." Charlie awkwardly broke the silence.

"Er, yeah, I went to sleep really late last night." He slowly walked to the living room, Charlie and Dream behind him.

George sat on his couch and Charlie at the same place where he had sat yesterday. When George sat down, he finally got his hair out of his face revealing his puffy, red eyes.

George was the one who mourned for hours yesterday.

"Clay told me to tell you, that he can feel when someone mourns him." Charlie slowly and awkwardly said

"Oh, uhm..." George had a surprised look on his face. He had been caught. 

"Now he's asking why did you mourn him?" Charlie seriously didn't want to be there, it felt so personal, and he was just eavesdropping.

"I- It just brought back a lot of memories..." George said slowly and sadly, a new layer of tears appearing in his eyes. 

"He said 'don't cry'," Charlie once again directed the message from Dream.

"Is there any other reason why you both are here?" George said, now a tear running down his red cheek.

Dreams heart was breaking. He couldn't not do it. He leaned in and hugged George. George's eyes widened from the cold feeling surrounding his body.

"He's hugging you." Charlie could see the confused look on Georges face. Charlie hesitated for a moment before speaking the next sentence, "he said that he still loves you..."

George now fully broke down. He was sobbing and tears were running down his face.

"Can you please leave us for a moment?" Dream said looking at Charlie. Charlie walked out of the room and felt extremely relieved not to be in there anymore.

"Dream... Why are you doing this to me?" George slowly, through sobs, asked. Dreams heart broke. Dream stood up, George could feel the cold feeling disappear.

He was trying to find something to write with and a piece of paper. He found a pen and a sheet and rolled it in front of George on the floor.

He clicked the pen with struggle and closed his eyes, concentrating deeply on holding the pen. Dream opened his eyes and was holding it. George's eyes were wide open.

Dream started writing 'I'm sorry' over and over again. Then after a few I'm sorrys, he wrote 'I never wanted to hurt you'.

Georges lips formed into a small smile. Dream stood up and walked up to George
and traced his fingers on the paths the tears had left, trying to get the tears off George's pretty face. He didn't think he'd succeed, but he did.


Thank you for reading<3

Unchained Melody (Flowers From 1970 Sequel Pt 2) // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now